[Paraview-developers] Facing Problem with Server in ParaView 4.1 Web Version

Debanshu Saha debanshu at 2pirad.com
Fri Jan 2 00:08:41 EST 2015


I have followed the below mentioned steps while installing ParaView Web:-

1) We have downloaded the ParaView-4.1.0-Windows-64bit.zip from ParaView

2) We have downloaded the same data like can.ex2 and disk_out_ref.ex2 from
ParaView website.

3) Then we executed the below code in a batch file:-
$ unzip ParaView-4.1.0-Windows-64bit.exe
$ cd ParaView-4.1.0-Windows-64bit\bin
$ pvpython.exe
--content ..\share\paraview-4.1\www --data-dir .\path-to-share --port 8080
So, the ParaView server is started.

4) Started the application by hitting the URL

Now, we facing the below problems:-

1) When we again hit the same URL in the same browser window, the server
stops. It does not happen when we hit the same URL in different browser.

Kindly advice what is wrong with it.

*Contact: *+91-8981409005
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