[Paraview-developers] wrapping cmake dependency issue?

Burlen Loring burlen.loring at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 14:01:28 EST 2015

Hi All,

This is in regard to what to me seems like a bug in dependency chain of 
the CS and Python wrapping.  Yesterday I was debugging a segv on 4.3.1 
build on our Cray and I had to test a different a different OpenGL 
build. So I opened up the CMakeCache of my build and changed the one 
variable- namely the one specifying the OpenGL library. This should have 
resulted in the executables and a few of the libs re-linking, however in 
addition all of the CS and Python wrapping was regenerated and those 
files recompiled and re linked. As a result what should have been a 5min 
tweak took over an hour! I guess that the wrappers are custom 
command/targets in CMake and that the dependency is not set correctly. 
Am I right? I'm happy to file a bug report if this something that you'd 
be willing to fix. ;-)


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