[Paraview-developers] [vtk-developers] Ghost and Blanking (Visibility) Changes

Dan Lipsa dan.lipsa at kitware.com
Tue Apr 14 10:06:56 EDT 2015

> > I use to generate PVTP/PTVU files on a project I generally link with the
> latest VTK. I use to visualize the obtained dataset with ParaView. However,
> since this change, I am not able to open any of those VTK XML files with PV
> <=4.3.1. To do so I have to manually edit the files and reverse the version
> tag from 2 to 1... My dataset have no blanking or ghost cells, thus may be
> one could only specify version 2 in the data writer if the data *really *contains
> information that a previous version of the reader could not read?
> This is a great idea. Dan: if it is not too hard to do, please do this.

I'll take a look a this. Maybe we should change the readers to only issue a
warning if the file version is newer than the reader. It should not be a
problem for old readers to read new files at least in this case - the only
thing that happens is that ghost levels and blanking are not read correctly
- this may not matter in certain cases.


> -berk
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Joachim Pouderoux <
> joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, this is good to now.
>> Question: the new architecture does not provide information about ghost
>> level anymore. Is this information useless in general and was never used by
>> any vtk filter?
>> Beside that , the change of VTK XML file version induced by this change
>> can be a problem:
>> I use to generate PVTP/PTVU files on a project I generally link with the
>> latest VTK. I use to visualize the obtained dataset with ParaView. However,
>> since this change, I am not able to open any of those VTK XML files with PV
>> <=4.3.1. To do so I have to manually edit the files and reverse the version
>> tag from 2 to 1... My dataset have no blanking or ghost cells, thus may be
>> one could only specify version 2 in the data writer if the data *really *contains
>> information that a previous version of the reader could not read?
>> Best,
>> Joachim
>> *Joachim Pouderoux*
>> *PhD, Technical Expert*
>> *Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*
>> 2015-04-02 16:54 GMT+02:00 Dan Lipsa <dan.lipsa at kitware.com>:
>>> Dear VTK and ParaView developers,
>>> We would like to draw your attention to the following updates to
>>> VTK/ParaView that change the way one interfaces to Ghost and Blanking cells
>>> and points.
>>> These changes have just been merged into master repositories for
>>> VTK/ParaView.
>>> http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/856
>>> We welcome suggestions and/or bug reports on these changes.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dan
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