[Paraview-developers] pqObjectInspector

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Wed Oct 22 18:13:23 EDT 2014


Sorry. I have lost my marbles. I completely forgot what the point of the
gear thingy is and the fact that advanced properties are supposed to be
hidden went right past me.

On my own panel, if I click the gear icon, everything disappears and
nothing I do brings my properties back, so I must have messed something
up, but I can fix that easily, by not clicking the gear icon :)


On 22/10/14 23:11, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:

>> If you go to the paraview/settings panel, the tabs with different
>> are half empty, until you enter a ‘space’ in the search box, and then
>> suddenly all the properties appear.
>They are half empty, since we decided to show only a small subset of
>the properties in the default view. Which properties get shown in the
>"default" view is determined when defining the ServerManager XML. As I
>mentioned earlier, typing " " is same as asking the panel to search
>all property widgets that have " " in their labels, and hence you see
>the list populated. If you press the gear (aka switch the panel to
>advanced mode) instead  of typing " ", you'll see all the widgets.
>Thus I don't see anything wrong with the use-case you mention. Unless
>I am not understanding what you're saying or I am not explaining it

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