[Paraview-developers] Properties Question

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Mar 10 17:28:29 EDT 2014

My bad, I didn't realize that API was private. In that case, in your
subclass you can manually connect the "changeFinished()" to your own
callback that pretty much calls "this->apply()" similar to what is
done in pqPropertyWidget::onChangeFinished.

Hope that helps.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Joshua Murphy
<Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:
> Hi Utkarsh,
> This may show my lack of super-detailed knowledge of C++, but maybe you
> can help with thisŠ
> I am trying to create the custom subclass of pqPropertyWidget, but setting
> the autoupdate requires access to the private members of the superclass.
> Is there a way around this without re-implementing everything in the class?
> Thanks,
> Josh
> On 3/10/14 11:06 AM, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>>pqPropertyWidget currently is not designed to dictate whether it
>>auto-applies. Auto-apply is controlled by pqProxyWidget. pqProxyWidget
>>as a consequence will call setAutoUpdate...() method on each of
>>pqPropertyWidget instances whenever it deems appropriate. Thus if you
>>subclass pqPropertyWidget to set the flag in its constructor it could
>>potentially be changed. Hence the suggested hack. I would make sense
>>to add ability to pqPropertyWidget to dictate an "auto-apply"
>>behaviour irrespective of the application/pqProxyWidget, but that'd
>>need to thought up and coded.
>>On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Joshua Murphy
>><Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Utarsh,
>>> Thanks for the great reply!  I have one question at this point...
>>> You state: then overridding those methods so that
>>> pqProxyWidget::setApplyChangesImmediately(...) doesn't override that
>>> behavior.
>>> I am unsure what you mean by this.  Do I need to override
>>> pqPropertyWidget::setAutoUpdateVTKObjects and
>>> pqPropertyWidget::setUseUncheckedProperties?And, if so, how does one
>>> setApplyChangesImmediately from overriding this behavior?  Can you
>>> a little on this? Or point me at some code I can go through??
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh
>>> From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>
>>> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 13:22:59 -0600
>>> To: Joshua Murphy <joshua.murphy at lasp.colorado.edu>
>>> Cc: "paraview-developers at paraview.org"
>>><paraview-developers at paraview.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Paraview-developers] Properties Question
>>> Joshua,
>>> Just to make it easier to discuss, let's take a specific case:
>>> We have a VTK algorithm, vtkMyFilter. It has a property Alpha which
>>> the method SetAlpha. When SetAlpha is classed, vtkMyFilter computes
>>> BetaRange. On our proxy, we have  an information property BetaRangeInfo
>>> which is calls GetBetaRange. We have another property Beta which we
>>>want to
>>> reset to middle of the BetaRange  every time Alpha is changed by the
>>> Let's say we let pqPropertiesPanel create a default widget for Alpha.
>>> when the user changes the widget, SetAlpha isn't immediately called. It
>>> be called only when the user hits the Apply button (or auto-apply is
>>>ON). So
>>> even if we called UpdatePropertyInformation() on the filter proxy,
>>> BetaRangeInfo will not reflect any changes.
>>> So first step, we'll need to create a custom subclass of
>>> that forces auto-update by calling
>>> pqPropertyWidget::setAutoUpdateVTKObjects(true),
>>> pqPropertyWidget::setUseUncheckedProperties(false) and then overridding
>>> those methods so that pqProxyWidget::setApplyChangesImmediately(...)
>>> override that behavior.
>>> Next, in this custom widget for Alpha, we will need to override
>>> pqPropertyWidget::apply() to call proxy->UpdatePropertyInformation().
>>> Moving on, we now need Beta to reset whenever BetaRangeInfo changes. If
>>> possible, I tend to do this in domain. Write a domain that depends on
>>> info property and the domain will update when the  info property
>>> But since we don't merely want to change the domain, but also the
>>> value, we can create a custom widget for Beta where we add observers to
>>> info property to update the widget value every time the info property
>>> changes as appropriate.
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Joshua Murphy
>>> <Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am working on some properties for a custom filter, and I am trying to
>>>> figure out how to get the following functionality.
>>>> I need to be able to:
>>>> set a property to change a condition in the filter
>>>> Have that changed condition update information within another property
>>>> display on the panel.
>>>> This would be akin to the way manipulating the plane in a slice filter
>>>> render view updates the position of the plane in the properties panel.
>>>> So, how do I force the properties panel to update to new values within
>>>> information properties when values change?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Josh
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