[Paraview-developers] Access to the color legend and its modification

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Dec 12 09:30:58 EST 2014

> This plugin doesn't display the button and even doesn't create it until this widget will not be defined in the proxy group representation of plugin, does it?

My apologies, but I don't follow what you mean by this statement.

Any case, you're extending "UnstructuredGridRepresentation", so when
showing a vtkUnstructuredGrid dataset, your "MyRepresentation" would
be created and you'll see a "Annotation" option available under the
"Representation" combo-box. Now, the <ExposedProperty> section you
have is not necessary (and is indeed written incorrectly) since your
representation is sharing are several properties with
"SurfaceRepresentation", including those for coloring. The
"UnstructuredGridRepresentation" is already exposing appropriate
properties from "SurfaceRepresentation" with property PropertyGroup
declaration so the "ColorEditor" widget will indeed be created just

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