[Paraview-developers] apply a filter to only a selected block

Felipe Bordeu felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Thu Aug 28 12:04:33 EDT 2014

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It works, but (I know there is always a but)...

1) Paraview (at the creation of my mainfilter) calls RequestInformation
on all the internal filters available, and because they don't have
connections, I get plenty of :

line 783
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x686f5b0): Algorithm
vtkPVArrayCalculator(0x6875210) returned failure for request:
vtkInformation (0x686dde0)

line 710
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x6940a30): Input port 0 of algorithm
vtkPVMetaClipDataSet(0x6921660) has 0 connections but is not optional.

line 710
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x6969450): Input port 0 of algorithm
vtkThreshold(0x696f170) has 0 connections but is not optional.

line 710
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x6977740): Input port 0 of algorithm
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter(0x697f540) has 0 connections but is not optional.

2) The panels of filters with custom widget are not generated correctly
(the case of the calculator filter).

3) Because of the filters don't have information about the input, the 3D
widget are not plot in the renderview ( the plane of the clip filter)

I know I'm trying to do something tricky, but we do this kind of
operation often (extract a block apply a filter, extract another block
apply a filter, extract all the remaining block, and then do  "append
datasets" to recover a multi-block structure). And even with this we
lost the original structure of the multi-block.

the point 2 and tree are not that important (we can set the data from
the panel, and for the calculator we still have the function field)


ps: in the attachement there is an image of the filter

Le 28/08/2014 16:30, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
> I am not sure I'd recommend anyone to do this :), but since you're
> experimenting .. here's something to try:
> Don't do the SetInputDataObject() in RequestInformation, try passing
> the output of ExtractBlock to the input in RequestData() instead.
> Utkarsh
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Felipe Bordeu
> <felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a filter to apply a filter(for example a cut, or clip ) to
> only a selected block of a vtkMultiBlockData.
> So I start reading the implementation of the vtkExtractBlock and
> vtkPVGlyphFilter (because I what to select interactively the filter to
> apply in the same way we can choose the type of glyph).
> Now the problematic point. This is the  part of the xml to select the
> filter to apply (in the same way as the glyph filter) :
> <InputProperty command="SetalgoToApply"
>                label="Filter To Apply"
>                 name="Source">
>     <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
>         <Group name="filters" />
>     </ProxyGroupDomain>
>     <DataTypeDomain name="input_type" composite_data_supported="1">
>         <DataType value="vtkDataObject" />
>     </DataTypeDomain>
>     <ProxyListDomain name="proxy_list">
>         <Proxy group="filters" name="Cut" />
>         <!-- More filter here -->
>     </ProxyListDomain>
> </InputProperty>
> The interface is generated correctly in paraview.
> In the code a receive the algorithm with this function
> vtkfiltertest::vtkSetMacro(algoToApply, vtkAlgorithmOutput*);
> But I don't know how to set the input to the algorithm.
> I tried this (vtkDataSet* tmpinput  is a pointer to some data, )
> void vtkfiltertest::SetalgoToApply (vtkAlgorithmOutput* _arg) {
>    if (this->algoToApply != _arg) {
>      this->algoToApply = _arg;
>      this->algoToApply->GetProducer()->SetInputDataObject(0,tmpinput);
>      this->Modified();
>    }
> }
> and also in
> vtkfiltertest::RequestInformation(){
> ...
> this->algoToApply->GetProducer()->SetInputDataObject(0,tmpinput);
> ..
> }
> but in paraview when I create the vtkfiltertest (click in the menu) I
> get this:
> /Big/fbordeu/sources/ParaView4/VTK/Common/ExecutionModel/vtkDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx,
> line 710
> vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x7845e80): Input port 0 of algorithm
> vtkPVMetaSliceDataSet(0x783d880) has 0 connections but is not optional.
> Is this possible of I'm asking to much???
> Thanks.
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- -- 
Felipe Bordeu Weldt
Ingénieur de Recherche
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Tél. : 33 (0)2 40 37 16 57
Fax. : 33 (0)2 40 74 74 06
Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
École Centrale Nantes
1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE
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