[Paraview-developers] [vtk-developers] vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::EXTENT_TRANSLATOR

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Aug 28 10:10:42 EDT 2014


Thanks once more for the info.

Question :

The class I want to pass downstream is a vtkObject and not a vtkDataObject, so ..

There are
informationDataObject and InformationDataObjectMetaData keys, but there are not
informationObject and InformationObjectMetaData keys,

but since DataObject is a type of Object, would anything be adversely affected if I were to change them to

and provide a GetObject and GetDataObject interface to return the type contained? Adding two new classes seems wasteful when they actually do the same thing internally.

Do the informationDataObject and metadata key classes need to specialized as different from Object and ObjectMetaData? (other than just for naming purposes)



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