[Paraview-developers] paraview plugin with VS 2010

redkite redkite at virgin.net
Tue Aug 19 04:51:24 EDT 2014


I've been developing a plugin for FE analysis a little like the SLAC 
tool but for our own purposes. This seems to work well on Ubuntu, but I 
have an issue under Windows 7/VS 2010. In particular, I made use several 
times of the call at:-


to allow the correct inputs/outputs to be set. This appears (to me) to 
be available through the "__declspec(dllimport)" -- etc -- 
qualifications but leaves me with the following error:

VoxFETools had to comment line
filter = pqFiltersMenuReaction::createFilter( QString("filters"), 
QString("OutputSolverScript") );
~L590 pqVoxFEManager.cxx
Linkage error:
2>pqVoxFEManager.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
"__declspec(dllimport) public: static class pqPipelineSource * __cdecl 
pqFiltersMenuReaction::createFilter(class QString const &,class QString 
const &)" 
(__imp_?createFilter at pqFiltersMenuReaction@@SAPEAVpqPipelineSource@@AEBVQString@@0 at Z)
2>C:\Temp\build\VoxFETools_vs2010\Debug\VoxFETools.dll : fatal error 
LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

To make things worse, if I remove the pqFiltersMenuReaction call, 
Paraview and the plugin both seem to build ok -- but -- on attempting to 
load the plugin I get:-

line 302
vtkPVPluginLoader (00000000068A7920): The specified module could not be 

The SLAC and other built in plugins seem to work fine. AFAICT the 
correct Qt/Paraview build flags have been set, but maybe I've missed 
something ....?


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