[Paraview-developers] Plugins and PV 4.1

Reuter, Michael A. reuterma at ornl.gov
Thu Apr 10 14:57:22 EDT 2014


I'm trying to get my plugins to work with ParaView 4.1.0 on Windows and I'm running into an issue. The reader plugin I'm trying works when opening the file but then ParaView crashes after clicking apply. I've tracked this down to a call in vtkSIProxy.cxx at line 304. The this->Interpreter->NewInstance(className) is trying to create a class of vtkCubeAxesRepresentation. Poking further into vtkClientServerInterpreter::NewInstance, I see that the context for the new instance function is 0, so the return call at the end seg faults. I don't see this problem on any of the three Linux variants that I've been testing as well. I thought it was something in my plugins, so I went back and removed my plugins and just tried opening the disk_out_ref.ex2 file and the same crash happens.  The really odd part is I have a program which uses ParaView for 3D rendering and it runs through the same code and creates the vtkCubeAxesRepresentation without issue. I'm using VS2012 to compile ParaView and my plugins/code. I'm scratching my head to figure out why it works one way and not the other. Might anyone have some ideas of other things I can look at to figure out why?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reuterma at ornl.gov<mailto:reuterma at ornl.gov>

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