[Paraview-developers] Goodbye windows, Hello Mac

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 13:00:42 EDT 2013

Hi John,

> Unfortunately, development of paraview under windows has become almost 
> impossible due to the combination of cmake-2.8.x/VS2012 and whatever 
> else which means that projects constantly rebuild and my development 
> time has gone from seconds/minutes to hours for any turnaround. 
Having been frustrated by the unacceptable time consumed by MSVC 
building PV, I recently switched to ninja which can drive the MSVC 
compiler. It makes PV build as fast on Windows as it is on Linux. This 
blog post explains http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/434

> In addition, the mpich people have dropped support for windows (I need 
> MPI-3) and some new projects I'm working on have toolchains which I 
> can't get going on my windows machine - at least not without 
> considerable pain anyway]
Open MPI has dropped support too. as far as I now the only one now is MS 
MPI. It works fine but is still MPI 2.

> This is a little off topic, so I apologise in advance, but I'd like to 
> know what other paraview developers are using on the mac.
gcc + vim + gdb. Extremly reliable, works in parallel. Unfortunately, 
probably not what you're after....


On 10/28/2013 02:31 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:
> After many years developing primarily on a windows machine (and linux 
> based servers), I am dumping my existing laptop and getting a new 
> Macbook pro.
> Since I'll be developing ParaView (and other applications), can others 
> here tell me which combinations of IDE and debugger they use. I've 
> experimented with Eclipse on linux and found it to be very nice IDE 
> (compared to using VI) , but debugging is not great and the time to 
> parse large projects like paraview for code completion etc can be 
> traumatizing. Parallel work using PTP is ok on some of our machines, 
> so I'll be using it anyway ...
> ...but I'd like to know about XCode, QtCreator, emacs? others.
> Can anyone offer any advice on what I should try first. I have been 
> accustomed to using the debugger in VS for about 90% of my daily work 
> and I regard it as first class. I can attach to anything, debug and 
> inspect - I don't quite know how I'm going to live without it. The 
> ability to jump quickly to declarations of variables, navigate around 
> the project and quickly locate stuff - this saves me so much time - 
> and I'm hoping the Mac offers something similar. Debugging and code 
> navigation are the priorities, with MPI debugging a must-have.
> This is a little off topic, so I apologise in advance, but I'd like to 
> know what other paraview developers are using on the mac.
> Thanks
> JB
> [ brief aside not directly relevant to main question ...
> Unfortunately, development of paraview under windows has become almost 
> impossible due to the combination of cmake-2.8.x/VS2012 and whatever 
> else which means that projects constantly rebuild and my development 
> time has gone from seconds/minutes to hours for any turnaround. In 
> addition, the mpich people have dropped support for windows (I need 
> MPI-3) and some new projects I'm working on have toolchains which I 
> can't get going on my windows machine - at least not without 
> considerable pain anyway]
> -- 
> John Biddiscombe,                        email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
> http://www.cscs.ch/
> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
> Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
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