[Paraview-developers] Reader Plugin with Texture image

Lodron, Gerald Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at
Mon Oct 7 01:46:05 EDT 2013


I am new in programming Paraview plugins but already made a first reader plugin working but now have a big problem:

I successfully made a reader plugin which reads our company internal file format and outputs a vtkPolyData with texture coordinates. I can also read the texture image into a vtkImageData but now have no clue to combine the vtkPolyData with the texture image. Normally in vtk I would call SetTexture of the vtkActor, but how do I do this in the plugins?

Is a reader plugin the wrong way doing this?

Thanks for any advice,
Gerald Lodron


JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

DIGITAL - Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria

phone: +43 316 876-1751
fax: +43 316 8769-1751
e-mail: gerald.lodron at joanneum.at<mailto:gerald.lodron at joanneum.at>
web: www.joanneum.at/digital<http://www.joanneum.at/digital>

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