[Paraview-developers] [EXTERNAL] VTK and ParaView with OSMesa

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Wed Nov 27 19:03:10 EST 2013

Unfortunately, a lot of the clusters many of us run on (and need Mesa for) are old - and don't even have llvm/clang, let alone a new enough version.  Has anyone successfully installed llvm/clang on a Linux cluster?  What did you install, from where?



-----Original Message-----
From: paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Burlen Loring
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 11:24 AM
To: paraview-developers at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview-developers] VTK and ParaView with OSMesa

Hi All,

VTK 6.1 will take full advantage of OpenGL features in OSMesa. In the past this hadn't been the case, a number of key algorithms or classes that algorithms depended on were explicitly disabled when OSMesa was detected. I've been investigating use of the new 9.2.2 Mesa release in which OSMesa can take advantage of the VMWare's Gallium llvmpipe back-end. The advantages of this back-end over the classic OSMesa back-end are better OpenGL extension support, threading, and use of LLVM/clang for shader compilation. The llvmpipe backend is quite a bit faster on shader heavy algorithms and supports Surface LIC while the classic back-end does not.  In the recent Mesa 9.2.2 release it finally works flawlessly with pvbatch.

The Mesa 9.2.2 release configured with the Gallium llvmpipe OSMesa state tracker should be the recommended Mesa release for off-screen rendering in VTK and ParaView and I've updated the wiki with build instructions and some rendering benchmarks.
I've left a link to the old page, if there are no objections I'd like to remove it.

I've set up ParaView and VTK dashboards for the new 9.2.2 Mesa release http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=VTK&filtercount=1&showfilters=1&field1=site/string&compare1=63&value1=rocky

If you guys see anything wrong with it , please let me know.

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