[Paraview-developers] Slicing / Selection Widget in Paraview/Web

kyr akyrieleis at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 11:10:18 EST 2013


dataInfo = dataSet.GetDataInformation(0)
sliceWidgetW = simple.servermanager._getPyProxy(sliceWidget)

works ok, but

sliceWidgetW.PlaceWidget = dataInfo.GetBounds()

is still not accepted.

I have got this code in a class derived from ParaViewWebProtocol and in a
file (in ../site-packages/paraview/web) with:

import types
import logging
import inspect
from time import time

# import RPC annotation
from autobahn.wamp import exportRpc

# import paraview modules.
from paraview import simple, servermanager

from paraview.web.protocols import ParaViewWebProtocol
from paraview.web import helper
from vtk.web import protocols as vtk_protocols

from vtkWebCorePython import vtkWebInteractionEvent
from paraview import ParaViewAdapter_pwsimple as pwsimple

at the beginning

Thank you


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