[Paraview-developers] ANN:ParaView 4.1.0-RC1 now available for download

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Nov 13 14:56:11 EST 2013


In preparation for the next ParaView release, ParaView 4.1.0, RC1
(Release Candidate 1) binaries and sources are now available for
download (http://paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.php). Those
looking to check the source out using git can use the git tag

We will have a detailed summary for the new features and enhancements
in this release soon. If you're attending SuperComputing 2013, stop by
the ParaView tutorial
this weekend to see some of these new features in action. In the mean
time, a complete list of features implemented and bugs fixed in this
release can be found on the bug tracker

The ParaView Team

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