[Paraview-developers] pv_web_visualizer file outide Jetty config

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Wed Nov 6 13:48:17 EST 2013

Just add an extra key in the object that you provide at launch time that is
based on the URL and use that key as an argument to --file-to-load.
It is as simple as that.


PS: You can use that documentation to help you out.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:41 AM, kyr <akyrieleis at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using  ParaView-Linux-64bit-glibc-2.3.6-Nightly and
> JettySessionManager-Server1.0. In the Jetty config file I have added:
> pw.visualizer.cmd=./bin/pvpython
> lib/paraview-4.0/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py --data-dir
> . --load-file ../Data/file_1.pvsm --port PORT --authKey SECRET
> pw.visualizer.cmd.run.dir=/.../Paraw/ParaView-4.0.1-Linux-64bit_nightly/
> pw.visualizer.cmd.map=PORT:getPort|SECRET:secret
> In the embed.html file of the LiveArticle app (that came with paraview) I
> refer to the visualizer to load the pvsm file.
> However, I don't want to have different Jetty config files for different
> files to load. I'm not sure how the Jetty manager talks to paraview and how
> the file location is transferred. How can I specify the file name to load
> in
> the embed.html file instead of in the Jetty config file ?
> Many thanks
> k.
> --
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> archive at Nabble.com.
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