[Paraview-developers] How to create a label map volume in ParaViewWeb?

Yuzheng Zhou yuzheng.zhou at kitware.com
Tue May 7 15:56:45 EDT 2013

Hi All,

I am working on a Midas workflow allowing users to visualize medical images
using ParaViewWeb (PVW as below) and segment them using Slicer. Currently I
am struck in a problem: how to create a label map volume in PVW, and need
help from ParaView developers.  This email is long and I really appreciate
your time reading it.

To do PDF segmentation in Slicer, it requires at least two volumes: the
input volume (the image to be segmented) and a label map volume
roughly outlining
the structures to be segmented.

In Slicer, the label map volume can be created using the “Paint” editor,
(check step 5
But Midas only has a slice viewer supported by PVW python client. So I want
to know how to create the label map volume using PVW. Here are my current

step 1) let’s assume there are only two labels in the label map. All pixels
are labelled as 0 (background) initially. When a user starts painting
slice(s),  I can manually track mouse movements, capture the co-ords, map
them to pixels and label these pixels as 1. Can PVW get such collection of
pixels automatically?

step 2) how can I create the label map volume using the input volume and
the above label information using PVW?  I guess I have to create the label
map volume from scratch using VTK. But I also don’t know how to do it in
VTK.  Or there may exist an easier solution in PVW?

step 3) suppose I have got the label map volume in a vtkImageData object.
Do I need to convert it to a proxy object, or it can be saved to an image
file (.mha or .nrrd) directly via PVW?

Thanks a lot. I would very much appropriate any feedback or instructions
for any steps.


Yuzheng Zhou
R & D Engineer
Kitware Inc.
(919) 869-8857
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