[Paraview-developers] Problems with protobuf when loading self-compiled plugin on OS X

Michael Schlottke m.schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de
Sat Jun 1 07:29:04 EDT 2013

Thanks, I will have a look into that!


On May 30, 2013, at 17:27 , Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

> Michael,
> I'll try to figure out the install issue. In the mean time, if you're
> intrested in creating redistrubtable app bundles, refer to
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Superbuild
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Michael Schlottke
> <m.schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>> Hi Utkarsh,
>> Thanks for the URL. After checking all relevant entries, we still found no possible for the cause of the bug, so back to square one. We then instrumented the plugin code heavily with debug statements, and finally found an answer to our problem: as it turned out, there was a minor bug in the plugin code (related to the ordering of points) that for some reason never materialized when running the plugin with ParaView 3.14, but which caused some serious trouble in 4.0.0. After fixing the bug, the plugin now runs happily with 4.0.0-RC2 and on OS X!
>> Thanks again for your help! It would be great if the "make install" issue could be resolved (if I can help, let me know), since right now I have no way to start ParaView from the OS X gui (I need to go into a terminal and manually execute paraview from there). Creating a symlink to the paraview.app in <builddir>/bin/paraview.app won't work, and neither does copying the paraview.app folder manually.
>> Regards,
>> Michael
>> On May 29, 2013, at 23:22 , Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> In theory, "make install" should work. OsX can be pretty unforgiving
>>> with library paths. I'll try to see if I can reproduce the issue and
>>> track it down.
>>> As for the segfault, it's hard to say without looking at the code.
>>> There have been quite a few changes since VTK 6.0. Refer to this:
>>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/VTK_6_Migration_Guide
>>> Hopefully that helps.
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Michael Schlottke
>>> <m.schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi Utkarsh,
>>>> (a) is the location of the paraview.app bundle that is created when building ParaView on OS X and running "make install"
>>>> (b) is the original build directory
>>>> If I go to the build directory and run "./bin/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview", it actually works, so thank you very much! How come that the "installed" version has problems with duplicate symbols, while the original one doesn't? This seems to render the "make install" command rather useless on OS X…(or maybe its a feature and I just fail to see the purpose).
>>>> However, now that the plugin loads correctly, if I try to load a dataset with the reader, ParaView crashes with a segfault: "Segmentation fault: 11"
>>>> From my plugin's debug output I know that the "RequestData" function returns without problems, but after that there's no more output until the segfault. The exact same plugin works without problems on a Linux machine. The only explanation that I can come up with is that there was a (silent) change from 3.14 to 4.00 that does not manifest in the plugin itself but only later in the pipeline. Can you make anything of this?
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance!
>>>> Michael
>>>> On May 29, 2013, at 15:37 , Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>>>>> Looks like you have two builds of ParaView:
>>>>> (a)  /Applications/ParaView 4.0.0-RC2.app/
>>>>> (b) / /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.builds/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/
>>>>> Which one (a) or (b) was the plugin built against and which one are
>>>>> you trying to load it in?
>>>>> Utkarsh
>>>>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Michael Schlottke
>>>>> <m.schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> We have created a custom reader plugin for our simulation data. On Linux
>>>>>> using ParaView 3.14 the plugin works without problems. However, we have not
>>>>>> succeeded to get the plugin to work on Mac OS X:
>>>>>> When trying to load the plugin in the Plugin Manager, ParaView crashes and
>>>>>> leaves the following message on the command line:
>>>>>> objc[54821]: Class vtkCocoaTimer is implemented in both
>>>>>> /Applications/ParaView
>>>>>> 4.0.0-RC2.app/Contents/MacOS/./../Libraries/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.builds/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/lib/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib.
>>>>>> One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
>>>>>> objc[54821]: Class vtkCocoaServer is implemented in both
>>>>>> /Applications/ParaView
>>>>>> 4.0.0-RC2.app/Contents/MacOS/./../Libraries/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.builds/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/lib/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib.
>>>>>> One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
>>>>>> objc[54821]: Class vtkCocoaFullScreenWindow is implemented in both
>>>>>> /Applications/ParaView
>>>>>> 4.0.0-RC2.app/Contents/MacOS/./../Libraries/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.builds/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/lib/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib.
>>>>>> One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
>>>>>> objc[54821]: Class vtkCocoaGLView is implemented in both
>>>>>> /Applications/ParaView
>>>>>> 4.0.0-RC2.app/Contents/MacOS/./../Libraries/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.builds/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/lib/libvtkRenderingOpenGL-pv4.0.1.dylib.
>>>>>> One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
>>>>>> libprotobuf ERROR
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.sources/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/ThirdParty/protobuf/vtkprotobuf/src/google/protobuf/descriptor_database.cc:109]
>>>>>> Symbol name "google.protobuf.NamePart" conflicts with the existing symbol
>>>>>> "google.protobuf.NamePart".
>>>>>> libprotobuf FATAL
>>>>>> /Users/mic/.BuiltFromSource/.sources/ParaView-4.0.0-RC2/ThirdParty/protobuf/vtkprotobuf/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:860]
>>>>>> CHECK failed: generated_database_->Add(encoded_file_descriptor, size):
>>>>>> Abort trap: 6
>>>>>> The used OS X version is 10.7.5, with ParaView 4.0.0-RC2. Compilation was
>>>>>> done (both plugin and ParaView itself) with clang 3.1.
>>>>>> Since I wouldn't even know where to start searching for the cause of this
>>>>>> problem, any help or input is appreciated.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Michael Schlottke
>>>>>> SimLab Highly Scalable Fluids & Solids Engineering
>>>>>> Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA-HPC)
>>>>>> RWTH Aachen University
>>>>>> Wüllnerstraße 5a
>>>>>> 52062 Aachen
>>>>>> Germany
>>>>>> Phone: +49 (241) 80 95188
>>>>>> Fax: +49 (241) 80 92257
>>>>>> Mail: m.schlottke at aia.rwth-aachen.de
>>>>>> Web: http://www.jara.org/jara-hpc
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