[Paraview-developers] Volume computation of an irregular model_plugin development_ParaView

Baitharu Ananda cse.ananda at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 14:18:54 EDT 2013

Hi All,

I am new to ParaView and I am a Python expert, but new to QT/C++. I have
two requirements as of now:
1) Develop a plug-in (GUI button labelled as 'Volume') which calculates the
volume of a Cube or a sphere.
2) Develop a plug-in (GUI button labelled as 'Volume') which calculates the
volume of a irregular object like human model(attached file).

I can see 'IntegrateVariables' filter calculate the area of any of the
above two input data, but how will I achieve the same internally for
calculating the volume.
The detailed steps:
-User loads the attached wrl data or creates a cube
- User clicks on the 'Volume' button.
-ParaView shows the volume

For all these things including GUI button creation, may I have a detailed
approach. And except the gui button which has to be done using C++/QT, can
the remaining things be achieved using python?
Please give me samples or example source codes or point mt to some useful

I have my source code compiled on Debian 7.

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