[Paraview-developers] [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.0.1 is available for download

Paul Melis paul.melis at surfsara.nl
Tue Jul 2 05:07:57 EDT 2013

Hi Utkarsh,

Looks like some nice new stuff in there!

I tried to build 4.0.1 on Debian 7.1, against Qt 4.8.2 with the Intel 
C/C++ compiler and hit on the following compile error:

[ 88%] Built target pqApplicationComponents
[ 88%] Generating moc_FilteredPipelineBrowserApp.cxx
[ 88%] Building CXX object 
[ 88%] Building CXX object 
Linking CXX executable ../../../../bin/pqPipelineApp
../../../../lib/libvtkpqComponents-pv4.0.so.1: undefined reference to 
../../../../lib/libvtkpqComponents-pv4.0.so.1: undefined reference to 
pqTransferFunctionChartViewWidget::plots<vtkCompositeControlPointsItem>() const'
make[2]: *** [bin/pqPipelineApp] Error 1
make[1]: *** 
[Qt/Components/Testing/Cxx/CMakeFiles/pqPipelineApp.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

This is with the following cmake configuration

cmake \
     -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/sara/sw/openmpi/intel/1.6.3/bin/mpicc \
     -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/sara/sw/openmpi/intel/1.6.3/bin/mpicxx \
     -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/sara/sw/paraview/4.0.1 \
     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
     -DVTK_MPIRUN_EXE:FILEPATH=/sara/sw/openmpi/intel/1.6.3/bin/mpirun \

Any clue what's wrong?


On 17-06-13 17:08, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> Folks,
> ParaView 4.0.1 is now available for download
> (http://paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.php). For those looking
> to checkout the source
> from  the git repository, the tag name is "v4.0.1" (or simply use the
> "release" branch).
> This release marks the first change in the major version number since
> 2007. Unlike the change
> from 2 to 3, however, this release is not a major departure from the 3
> series, but marks a
> milestone in the gradual progression of ParaView UI and framework since
> 2007.
> These notes highlight some of the major enhacements in this version that
> addresses over 100 issues since the most recent release
> (http://paraview.org/Bug/changelog_page.php). ParaView 4.0.1 is based on
> VTK 6.0
> and hence includes all the fixes and enhancements that went into the VTK 6.0
> release. (If you're wondering what happened to 4.0.0: we nabbed an issue
> as the binaries
> were being built for 4.0.0 and hence we decided to put out 4.0.1 instead).
> *Enhancements for Visualizing Multi-block Datasets*
> This release introduces a new way for interacting with multi-block datasets,
> making it easier to change display parameters such as visibility, color, and
> opacity for multi-block datasets. Using the Multi-Block Inspector, users
> can now
> specify such properties on a per-block basis. By treating the multi-block
> hierarchy as a basic scene-graph, properties specifications can be
> inherited,
> thus avoiding the need to explicitly specify overrides for all blocks.
> Block properties can also be changed using the context menu in the 3D
> view. By
> selecting multiple blocks, one can change properties for all the
> selected blocks
> using the context menu. Refer to this blog post to get started
> (http://www.kitware.com/blog/posts/view/503).
> *Enhancements to the Properties Panel*
> The Properties panel has been undergoing changes in the past few
> releases. This
> release includes further cleanups, bug-fixes and enhancements including
> a newer
> and cleaner look for the Properties panel with the ability to  group widgets
> based on functionality. The plugin framework has now been extended to enable
> users to add custom widgets for the new properties panel. Refer to this blog
> post covering how to effectively use the new panel
> (http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/491). Developers are referred to
> ParaView
> Wiki (http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Properties_Panel) for additional
> details.
> *Extended annotations with mathtext*
> One of the most requested features on ParaView User Voice
> (http://paraview.uservoice.com)
> was the ability to add mathematical markup to annotation text. ParaView
> can now
> use the equation rendering support in the matplotlib package to generate
> mathematical equations in selected text fields. The support for mathtext was
> added in 3.98 and has been expanded in this release to include chart titles,
> scalar bar title and labels, along with text sources. ParaView binaries come
> bundled with matplotlib. Siimply use $<math-text>$ as the text to use.
> Anything
> containing the $...$ symbols will be treated as math-text and rendered using
> matplotlib. Refer to this blog post
> (http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/509).
> *Exporting vector graphics*
> One of the most requested features on ParaView User Voice
> (http://paraview.uservoice.com) was to add support for vector graphics. With
> this release, it is now possible to export scenes from 3D views and
> charts as
> postscript, eps, pdf, or svg vector graphics. All text and annotations
> such as
> scalar bars, cube-axes, and curves in charts are exported as vector
> graphics,
> thus ensuring crisp reproduction for publications. 3D surfaces and volumes,
> however, must remain embedded as a rasterized image in the resulting output
> file. Refer to this blog post for more details
> (http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/508).
> *Completely redesigned ParaViewWeb*
> Using Web-based technologies for 3D interactive visualization is now
> easier than
> ever before with the totally redesigned ParaViewWeb. ParaViewWeb is a
> collection
> of components that enables the use of ParaView's visualization and data
> analysis
> capabilities within Web applications and is now simply a part of
> ParaView source
> (and binary) packages. Using the latest HTML 5.0 based technologies, such as
> WebSocket, and WebGL, ParaViewWeb enables communication with a ParaView
> server
> running on a remote visualization node or cluster using a lightweight
> JavaScript
> API. Using this API, Web applications can easily embed interactive 3D
> visualization components. Application developers can write simple Python
> scripts
> to extend the server capabilities including creating custom visualization
> pipelines. Updated documentation and examples coming soon, so stay tuned.
> *Enhancement to CoProcessing Modules*
> ParaView’s CoProcessing support has undergone several usability improvements
> with the ability to build adapters externally, and cleanups to the Python
> coprocessing modules and scripts. Additional details will soon be
> available in
> form a Catalyst/CoProcessing Users Guide in the near future.
> *Improvements to Scalar Bar (Color Legend)*
> We have added several new enhancements to scalar bar in this release.
> Besides
> general improvements in the appearance and label rendering, the scalar
> bar now
> has the ability to accept MathText (similar to LaTeX) for the title,
> subtitle,
> and annotation text. Similar to including MathText in chart titles and text
> sources in previous release, any text that enclosed within dollar ($) signs,
> ($...$) will be presumed to be MathText. This requires Python support with
> matplotlib available, which is included in the distributed binaries. You
> can now
> include Greek letters and other math symbols in your legend.
> Another new feature is that colormaps may now be marked to indicate that
> their
> domains are ratio or interval-scaled (i.e., continuous, as in previous
> versions
> of ParaView) or categorical (also called nominal). Categorical colormaps
> are not
> shown as a continuous range of colors but as a discrete set of color
> swatches.
> You may set the text to accompany each value in the Annotations tab of
> the color
> legend editor. Arrays that hold categorical data (where there are no
> more than
> 32 unique values stored across all array entries) will automatically have
> annotations added when you open the color legend editor. When switching a
> colormap between ratio and categorical modes, the color set-points in the
> continuous color bar are used as the colors to assign to categorical
> values; the
> default blue-to-red colormap has only 2 color set-points, so if you
> switch from
> this preset to a categorical colormap, you will see only 2 color
> swatches: red
> and blue. However, another new feature is that several categorical colormap
> presets have been added, including the Brewer palettes. You may wish to
> choose
> one of these presets (which will automatically switch the colormap to
> categorical mode).
> *Documentation*
> Starting with this release, we will now be providing online
> documentation for
> the Python and JavaScript API along with the C++ API online. The
> documentation
> can be accessed from
> http://www.paraview.org/paraview/help/api-documentation.html.
> *Nightly binaries*
> For users interested into trying out the latest and greatest
> developments for
> ParaView as the development team works on them without building from source,
> they can download the nightly builds from the ParaView download page
> (http://paraview.org//paraview/resources/software.php).
> As always, we look forward to your feedback (http://paraview.uservoice.com).
> Also stay tuned to the Kitware Blog (http://www.kitware.com/blog/) for more
> details on Catalyst and ParaViewWeb.
> /The ParaView Team/
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> Powered by www.kitware.com
> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
> Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at: http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
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** SURFsara heeft een nieuw algemeen telefoonnummer: 020 800 1300 **

Paul Melis
| Groepsleider & Adviseur Visualisatie | SURFsara |
| Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam |
| T 020 592 30 59 | paul.melis at surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl |

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