[Paraview-developers] where in reader is best place to initialize data arrays?...

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Feb 20 12:25:38 EST 2013

You surely should be populating your list of arrays in
RequestInformation(), but you may want to always preserve what the user
chose. The way you have it setup, the user-choice of arrays will be cleared
anytime RequestInformation() gets called and that method can get called for
several reasons during the lifetime of the reader.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Joshua Murphy <
Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> Hopefully this can be answered quickly by someone in the know…
> I am tracking down a restore state bug in my reader, and I have nailed it
> down to the following situation:
> When restoring state, ParaView is using my setArrayStatus() function
> before I have finished initializing my array list within
> RequestInformation().
> This causes the on/off status of the arrays in the state being restored to
> be ignored, as I clobber them when I initialize the list.
> My question is this: where should I be populating my list of available
> arrays if not in RequestInformation()?  The way I have it set up now works
> fine for when I load data from scratch, but when restoring from a state, as
> I said, ParaView is trying to set the on/off state of the arrays before I
> am done populating the available arrays…
> I hope someone can give me a quick answer… again the question boils down
> to this: where, and at what point, should I be populating my available
> array list so that it will be initialized already when ParaView attempts to
> change the status during a state restore?
> Thanks,
> Josh
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