[Paraview-developers] Using TIME_LABEL_ANNOTATION

Reuter, Michael A. reuterma at ornl.gov
Fri Feb 15 10:52:03 EST 2013

Hi Utkarsh,

(Sorry for the double post, but didn't get the original one to the list).

I knew there should have been something else, but I was just to dense to
see it. Thanks for the pointer and now it works just fine.


On 2/13/13 4:13 PM, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:

>It seems like you need to define additional property for you proxy as
>       name="TimeLabelAnnotation"
>       information_only="1" si_class="vtkSITimeLabelProperty">
>The TIME_LABEL_ANNOTATION() key only affects the label shown on the
>"Information Tab". To change the label in the toolbar, you need the
>above property. The vtkSITimeLabelProperty does indeed lookup the
>value you placed in the output information using the

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