[Paraview-developers] What widget is used for the the check box selection?

Cory Quammen cquammen at cs.unc.edu
Thu Aug 22 20:27:45 EDT 2013

Hi Josh,

Do you have a custom filter/source you are writing as a plugin? If so,
you just need to define certain methods in your filter/source and
configure your plugin XML a certain way.

Say you want to have checkboxes selecting a subset of point data
arrays from the input. The methods you need are:

  // Description:
  // Get number of point data arrays
  int GetNumberOfPointArrays();

  // Description:
  // Get name of a point data array at index
  const char* GetPointArrayName(int index);

  // Description:
  // Get/set the status of a point data array of a given name
  void SetPointArrayStatus(const char *name, int status);
  int GetPointArrayStatus(const char *name);

Now in the XML for your filter, you need something like this:

      <StringVectorProperty information_only="1"
        <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="Point" />
      <StringVectorProperty command="SetPointArrayStatus"
                            element_types="2 0"
                            label="Point Arrays to Evaluate"
        <ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
            <Property function="ArrayList"
                      name="PointArrayInfo" />

I cribbed this from the XML descriptions in one of the readers in

I hope that helps,


On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Joshua Murphy
<Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to figure out what widget is used to create the check-box
> selection panels, such as the array selection panels in the readers?  I am
> trying to write a custom panel that utilizes the checkbox panels, and I
> haven't been able to figure out how it works.
> If someone could point me toward the code for the array selection properties
> panel, I would be grateful!
> Thanks,
> Josh
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Cory Quammen
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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