[Paraview-developers] [EXTERNAL] Deprecating old-panels from ParaView

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Fri Aug 16 16:37:01 EDT 2013

Using the old style panels, and in particular the add_display_panel_decorator for a custom representation, I was able to get the pqPipelineRepresentation object which encapsulated my custom representation.

If I try to add a pqPropertyWidget subclass to my project, and make it an editor for a property of my custom representation, I have a problem.

The PropertyWidget is created as expected and shows up on the panl (very nice, I like it so far), the trouble is that
    <Extension name="UniformGridRepresentation">

      <!-- this adds to what is already defined in PVRepresentationBase -->
        text="Custom Volume"/>

        <Proxy name="OpacityRepresentation"
          proxyname="OpacityGradientVolumeRepresentation" />

The representation is created as an extension to the UniformGrid master representation, when the property exposed from the OpacityGraidientVolumeRepresentation into the top level representation is created , the widget is constructed with the proxy for the parent representation object. Since vtkSMProxy GetSubProxy() is protected/private, I can't iterate over the sub proxies and find the one that corresponds  to my actual representation.

Since my custom representation does need a load of information about the representation for the widgets to function - how do I gain access to the pqPipelineRepresentation that encapsulates my custom representation?


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