[Paraview-developers] CoProcessing error: object has no attribute 'vtkLiveInsituLink'

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Thu Oct 25 13:20:28 EDT 2012

oups by copy paste I've added the ? just get rid of it.

$ git checkout -b test-live-coprocessing stage/live_coprocessing_2

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Sebastien Jourdain
<sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
> $ git checkout -b test-live-coprocessing stage/live_coprocessing_2?
> if if you want to get back to master
> $ git checkout master
> Seb
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Cory Quammen <cquammen at cs.unc.edu> wrote:
>> Sebastien,
>> Thank you for your quick reply. I'll look at your work, but I need a
>> little git spoon feeding first. How do I access
>> stage/live_coprocessing_2?
>> Thanks!
>> Cory
>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Sebastien Jourdain
>> <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> I'm currently working on it on stage/live_coprocessing_2, so if you
>>> can definitely get it from there...
>>> Sorry about the issue around that,
>>> Seb
>>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Cory Quammen <cquammen at cs.unc.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm experimenting with CoProcessing in ParaView. I cloned master
>>>> yesterday and build with the CoProcessing options listed on this page:
>>>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/CoProcessing
>>>> When running my fake simulation code, I get the following error message:
>>>> Initialize Helper Script
>>>> Initialize Helper Script
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
>>>>   File "FakeSimulator.py", line 82, in DoCoProcessing
>>>>     DoLiveInsitu(timestep, pv_host, pv_port)
>>>>   File "<string>", line 414, in DoLiveInsitu
>>>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'vtkLiveInsituLink'
>>>> Doing a git grep on vtkLiveInstituLink in the ParaView source brings
>>>> up the following:
>>>> CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper.py:      # Create the vtkLiveInsituLink
>>>> i.e.  the "link" to the visualization processes.
>>>> CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper.py:      live_insitu =
>>>> servermanager.vtkLiveInsituLink()
>>>> CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper.py:      # Tell vtkLiveInsituLink what
>>>> host/port must it connect to for the visualization
>>>> CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper.py:   # sources need to be updated by
>>>> insitu code. vtkLiveInsituLink never updates
>>>> grepping in the ParaView build directory shows:
>>>> Binary file ./CoProcessing/Core/CMakeFiles/vtkCoProcessor.dir/cp_helper_py.cxx.o
>>>> matches
>>>> ./CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper_py.cxx:"      # Create the
>>>> vtkLiveInsituLink i.e.  the \"link\" to the visualization
>>>> processes.\n"
>>>> ./CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper_py.cxx:"      live_insitu =
>>>> servermanager.vtkLiveInsituLink()\n"
>>>> ./CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper_py.cxx:"      # Tell vtkLiveInsituLink
>>>> what host/port must it connect to for the visualization\n"
>>>> ./CoProcessing/Core/cp_helper_py.cxx:"   # sources need to be updated
>>>> by insitu code. vtkLiveInsituLink never updates\n"
>>>> Binary file ./lib/libvtkCoProcessor-pv3.14.1.dylib matches
>>>> Binary file ./lib/libvtkCoProcessor-pv3.14.dylib matches
>>>> It seems that vtkLiveInsituLink isn't defined anywhere.
>>>> Any pointers? I'm happy to revert to an older version where this worked.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Cory
>>>> --
>>>> Cory Quammen
>>>> Research Associate
>>>> Department of Computer Science
>>>> The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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>> --
>> Cory Quammen
>> Research Associate
>> Department of Computer Science
>> The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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