[Paraview-developers] ANN: ParaView 3.14, Release Candidate 2 Available

Philippe Pebay philippe.pebay at kitware.com
Fri Feb 17 01:49:56 EST 2012

Hello Utkarsh

The memory inspector is an excellent addition, I just tried it. Thank you

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> ParaView 3.14.0, Release Candidate #2 is now available for download
> (http://paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.html). (You read it
> right, Release Candidate #1 had a very short life span of couple of
> hours. We nabbed a pesky bug that showed up on Windows just in time.)
> These notes give a summary of the major additions to this release. The
> detailed change-log can be found at
> http://paraview.org/Bug/changelog_page.php.
> 'Find Data' dialog used to select elements using queries has been
> totally redesigned. The new design makes it possible to use complex
> queries to select elements including combining multiple test cases
> using boolean operations. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Query_Data.
> A new 'Memory Inspector' panel was added to make it easier for users
> running on large cluster to identify and debug memory related issues
> by providing a mechanism to track the memory used on all the nodes.
> More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Memory_Inspector.
> Extending ParaView's charting capabilities, we have added a new
> scatter plot matrix view, allowing visualization of multiple
> dimensions of your data in one compact form, allowing you to spot
> patterns in the small scatter plots, change focus to those plots of
> interest and perform basic selection.  More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Displaying_Data#Plot_Matrix_View.
> The color editor used to edit lookup tables/color tables used for
> scalar mapping was completely redesigned to enable editing the color
> and opacity functions independently. Additionally, one can now specify
> smoothly varying opacity functions very easily. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Displaying_Data#Color_Transfer_Functions
> .
>  Also, when coloring with an unsigned char array representing RGBA,
> it's now possible to render polygonal geometry using the opacity
> specified by the alpha component of the scalar array.
> To make it easier to deal with a large number of views at the same
> time, ParaView now supports creating multiple tabs for placing views.
> This enables rapid switching of views laid out on a tile-display by
> simply switching the active tab. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Displaying_Data#Multiple_Views.
> With improvements to the view layout framework, it is now possible to
> change the layout of views using Python. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Python_Scripting#Updating_View_Layout.
> 3.14 includes enhancements to the Plugin framework enabling developers
> to provide documentation for their plugins. The documentation for the
> plugins shows up in the default application help window accessible
> from the Tools menu. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/Plugin_HowTo#Adding_Documentation_for_Plugins.
> ParaView Server Configuration Script (pvsc) files is the de-facto
> mechanism in ParaView to connect to different remote computing sites.
> With 3.14, we have added a pvsc distribution mechanism that makes it
> easier for site maintainers and ParaView users alike to
> distribute/obtain configuration files for different sites. More
> information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Distributing_Server_Configuration_Files.
> Several other usability enhancements were made to this release. For
> example, it is now possible to easily copy values such as ranges,
> bounds, etc. from the information tab, statics inspector, spreadsheet
> view, to the clipboard. To make it easier to find items in variables
> lists and trees, one can use Ctrl+F to popup a search widget that
> searches through the selected widget. More information:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Introduction#Features.
> Also all inspector panels including information tab, display tab and,
> properties tab are now dockable.
> Netcdf4 has been updated to 4.1.2, making it possible to access hdf5
> backed netcdf formats.
> This release also includes two new experimental features:
> * Collaboration: this adds support to connect multiple clients to the
> same server (pvserver) for collaborative visualization.
> * Multi-Servers: this adds support to the ParaView client to connect
> to multiple remote servers at the same time to build separate
> pipelines on the connected servers using the same client.
> Note that these are both experimental features and should be
> considered as 'alpha'. More information:
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Collaboration.
> Utkarsh
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Philippe Pébay, PhD
Director of Visualization and High Performance Computing /
Directeur de la Visualisation et du Calcul Haute Performance
Kitware SAS
26 rue Louis Guérin, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
+33 (0) /
http://www.kitware.fr <http://www.kitware.fr/>
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