[Paraview-developers] BUG?: Where can I get "mpirun" other than the folder of a released ParaView?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Feb 10 11:54:40 EST 2012


> in pqServerLauncher lines 643 to 651 ... when I comment these out, the server connection resumes as usual and all is well.

Interesting. I always assumed all scripts will block till the pvserver
was done. If that's not the common case, I am okay with removing that
extra check. Alternatively, I can add a new xml attribute that says
that the script blocks or doesn't. That was if the script is supposed
to block and the launch indeed fails, we can report the same to the
user rather than just waiting for the connection. What do you think?

> As for the pvserver launch that you just mentioned regarding args etc.

Can you try the attached patch please?

> I apologise profusely for not fixing ...

No apologies needed :). Glad you caught them sooner rather than later.

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