[Paraview-developers] please update the wiki regarding your changes

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Thu Feb 2 12:56:38 EST 2012

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> How much time do we have (this was the first warning we've had, and 3.12 only just went out it seems)

We are hoping to start the release candidate cycle next week and
having the final release at the end of the month. VTK's next release
is probably going to lag by a week or two.

The recent development process changes (we've all suffered through)
are all meant to keep development head more stable and encourage a
faster release cycle. If releases come quickly enough it isn't a big
deal when a feature doesn't get in time.

> Can I add better support for VTK_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5 (could upgrade the vtkhdf5 too but that requires a lot of nasty cmake work) as well push some changes we made for our steering framework?

That would be great. While you are at it, USE_SYSTEM_NETCDF would be
nice too. Please do push (even the dodgy steering work) as long as it
doesn't break anything else.

> If I wanted to push branches, what would be my deadline for getting them into the next release?

They have to be in in time to make it to the release branch before the
next to last release candidate. :)

One problem we've had before is everyone rushing to put in features
just because a release is coming (myself included). That delays
releases and make the whole thing less stable. We really want to avoid

> Are you sure paraview's ready for a next release. Seems unstable to me. Always getting the error receiving tag messages and having pv shut down on me, (never quite sure if the server goes down first, or the client).

No, but the release process should help shake out the problems.

> Do any of you ever actually use paraview in parallel? (Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one. <sighs deeply and glances across at the visit manual> :)

<Chuckles to himself at the inclusion of "in parallel".> Yes and we've
got some upcoming work that will make us use it (in parallel even)
much more often. So the next releases should be even betterer.

> JB

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

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