[Paraview-developers] qDialog question

Yumin Yuan yumin.yuan at kitware.com
Mon Aug 13 19:03:09 EDT 2012

Normally you can add "myPresetEntriesWidget->scrollToTop()" after the
entries are populated if myPresetEntriesWidget is QAbstractItemView.

In actual Paraview's source, adding one line of code will do the trick:

void pqColorPresetManager::showEvent(QShowEvent *e)


  // Add this line at the end.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:
> I have a qDialog in ParaView (Color Scale Editor, Choose Preset) that should
> open displaying the top entries, but starts with the bottom entries.  In
> other words, if there are 100 entries in the preset table and the window is
> 10 entries in size, it currently opens from 91-100.  I want it open with
> entry 1-10.
> How is this done?
> Thanks,
> Alan
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