[Paraview-developers] Updating TimestepValues

owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 14 11:43:47 EDT 2011

It seems that updates to the time ranges via the TimestepValues property in Paraview are ignored. I have a filter that adapts the time ranges, but they have no effect on the animation gui controls. Using a python macro I can patch this problem as follows:

src = GetActiveSource()
#Get the vtkSMProperty timestep values and use those.
timesteps = src.GetProperty("TimestepValues")
scene = GetAnimationScene()
lastTime = timesteps.GetElement(len(timesteps)-1)
scene.EndTime = lastTime

How can I do the equivalent to this via the c++ API?

Thanks in advance,

Scanned by iCritical.

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