[Paraview-developers] Implicit Function Properties

owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Apr 19 04:38:12 EDT 2011


I've been developing a filter loosely based on the vtkPVClipDataSet/vtkTableBasedClipDataSet filter. To determine how the vtkTableBasedClipDataSet filter works, I've stepped through it using the debugger to find out what the runtime values are. After selecting a plane and adjusting it's parameters in the GUI, PlaneImplicitFunctions provide the origin and normal via GetNormal() and GetOrigin(). However, BoxImplicitFunctions do not seem to provide similar getters that return the recently set values. Does anyone know how I can get this type of information from the vtkBox?

I don't actually want to evaluate the ImplicitFunction, but I do want some way of figuring out what selection region has been applied in the GUI for my own calculations.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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