[Paraview-developers] the compulsory 15 second wait

Robert Maynard robert.maynard at kitware.com
Wed Apr 6 10:34:34 EDT 2011

Hi John,

I just found out via (
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2011/04/05/10150198.aspx) that proper
way to disable iterator debugging in VS10 is by setting _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL
to 0, as this variable supersedes the older _SECURE_SCL  and

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Robert Maynard
<robert.maynard at kitware.com>wrote:

> Hi John,
> I the runs without a  profiler attached a debug build? Do you have Visual
> Studio attached and debugging while running? Also is the profiler running on
> the debug build or the release build?
> Secondly UnRegisterInternal just calls vtkDebugLeaks and
> vtkGarbageCollector so the full profile report would be needed to determine
> what part of deletion is slow. Does the VS profiler also do line by line
> sample results?
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch>wrote:
>>  So Qt and ParaView are recompiled, and I’m sorry to say that creating a
>> cylinder source and displaying still takes about 12 seconds (averaged a few
>> times using a non scientific counting approach)
>> In an attempt to find out what the problem is, I upgraded visual studio to
>> get the profiler running and have done some tests.
>> Without profiler : cylinder source 5-20 seconds depending on the wind and
>> other important factors
>> With profiler running. Cylinder appears instantly.
>> Either way ... All the time is spent in delete called via the destructors,
>> 36%
>> Name
>> Inclusive Samples
>> Exclusive Samples
>> Inclusive Samples %
>> Exclusive Samples %
>> *+*
>> vtkObjectBase::UnRegisterInternal(class vtkObjectBase *,int)
>> 204
>> 4
>> 36.96
>> 0.72
>> Any more ideas welcome.
>> Thanks
>> JB
>> *From:* paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:
>> paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org] *On Behalf Of *Biddiscombe,
>> John A.
>> *Sent:* 10 March 2011 21:41
>> *To:* Robert Maynard
>> *Cc:* paraview-developers at paraview.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview-developers] the compulsory 15 second wait
>> Robert
>> Thanks. Great work. I’ll recompile Qt and paraview and see if the problem
>> goes away.
>> JB
>> *From:* paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:
>> paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org] *On Behalf Of *Robert Maynard
>> *Sent:* 10 March 2011 20:29
>> *Cc:* paraview-developers at paraview.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview-developers] the compulsory 15 second wait
>> Hi John,
>> I have profiled ParaView in Debug and Release mode on Windows 7 to
>> determine what the issue is. Looking at profile run under Debug we see that
>> the majority of time is spent inside STL iterator implementation. Compare
>> this to the Release profile which has no measurable time is spent inside the
>> STL iterator.
>> When we look deeper we find out that the MS STL implementation has extra
>> Iterator debugging (
>> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2007/08/10/the-future-of-the-c-language.aspx)
>> enabled by default which is causing the slow down. The major issue is that
>> this option changes the size of some STL containers so you can only linking
>> against libraries with the same settings. In ParaView’s case this means that
>> Qt and VTK have to be built with extra Iterator debugging matching.
>> If you *need* performance in debug mode, You will need to recompile both
>> Qt and ParaView with #define _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING 0.
>> For Qt you will need to configure with -D _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0
>> For ParaView you will need to modify ParaViewCommon.cmake and insert
>> add_definition(-D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0) at line 276.
>> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch>
>> wrote:
>> OK great. I tried reverting a commit from way back that Dave P pointed me
>> to, but I had a lot of problems with the build and gave up. This week I’m on
>> vacation, so as long as you fix it by Monday – then all is fine!
>> Thanks
>> JB
>> I’d personally like to see all the GC stuff removed completely. Pity that
>> isn’t going to happen though.
>> *From:* Robert Maynard [mailto:robert.maynard at kitware.com]
>> *Sent:* 10 March 2011 17:05
>> *To:* Biddiscombe, John A.
>> *Cc:* paraview-developers at paraview.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview-developers] the compulsory 15 second wait
>> Hi John,
>> I just wanted to say that I am looking at this issue currently and we are
>> not ignoring it.
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch>
>> wrote:
>> I've updated my laptop to windows 7, and now am finding that on this
>> machine, I also have the very long delays when running paraview.
>> On the desktop, every time an actor is added to the main view, the delay
>> varies between 5 to 20 seconds. (git master a week or so old)
>> It's getting very bad and I started to look into why everything takes so
>> long - the exact same code in a linux box runs normally and it seemed ok on
>> XP too.
>> My guess is that there's something amiss with the heap management on
>> windows 7 maybe.
>> anyway, this is a typical stack trace when I break into the code. I've not
>> run a profiler yet, but will do soon.
>> the sheer amount of crap produced by the garbage collector always worried
>> me, but what can I do?
>> JB
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077cf10c7()
>>        [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded
>> for ntdll.dll]
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077cfcbd7()
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077cf21bc()
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077d7970d()
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077d3ed6a()
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077cf21bc()
>> >       msvcr90d.dll!_heap_alloc_base(unsigned __int64 size=100)  Line 129
>>      C
>>        msvcr90d.dll!_heap_alloc_dbg_impl(unsigned __int64 nSize=48, int
>> nBlockUse=1, const char * szFileName=0x0000000000000000, int nLine=0, int *
>> errno_tmp=0x0000000000b33870)  Line 427 + 0xa bytes        C++
>>        msvcr90d.dll!_nh_malloc_dbg_impl(unsigned __int64 nSize=48, int
>> nhFlag=0, int nBlockUse=1, const char * szFileName=0x0000000000000000, int
>> nLine=0, int * errno_tmp=0x0000000000b33870)  Line 239 + 0x22 bytes  C++
>>        msvcr90d.dll!_nh_malloc_dbg(unsigned __int64 nSize=48, int
>> nhFlag=0, int nBlockUse=1, const char * szFileName=0x0000000000000000, int
>> nLine=0)  Line 296 + 0x2a bytes   C++
>>        msvcr90d.dll!malloc(unsigned __int64 nSize=48)  Line 56 + 0x21
>> bytes    C++
>>        msvcr90d.dll!operator new(unsigned __int64 size=48)  Line 59 + 0xa
>> bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb21eb0)  Line 555 + 0xa bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb21eb0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb21eb0, void * ptr=0x000000000bb21e40)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb21eb0, void * ptr=0x000000000bb21e40, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bb21eb0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bb21e40, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformationVector>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformationVector * &
>> ptr=0x000000000bb21eb0, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 202
>> C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkExecutive::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 304   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bb1fca0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb1fca0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb1fca0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb1fca0, void * ptr=0x000000000bbb07c8)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb1fca0, void * ptr=0x000000000bbb07c8, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bb1fca0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bbb07c8, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkObjectBase>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * & ptr=0x000000000bb1fca0,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 202    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkSmartPointerBase::Report(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 97
>>    C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkInformationExecutivePortKey::Report(vtkInformation *
>> info=0x000000000bb6a730, vtkGarbageCollector * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)
>>  Line 159 C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformation::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 812 + 0x35 bytes       C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bb6a730)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb6a730)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb6a730)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb6a730, void * ptr=0x000000000bd74c60)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bb6a730, void * ptr=0x000000000bd74c60, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bb6a730, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bd74c60, const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformation>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformation * & ptr=0x000000000bb6a730,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 202  C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformationVector::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 227 + 0x27 bytes C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd88720)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd88720)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd88720)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd88720, void * ptr=0x000000000bd796e0)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd88720, void * ptr=0x000000000bd796e0, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd88720, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bd796e0, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformationVector>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformationVector * &
>> ptr=0x000000000bd88720, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 202
>> C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkExecutive::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 304   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd855c0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd855c0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd855c0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd855c0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd92db8)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd855c0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd92db8, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd855c0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bd92db8, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkObjectBase>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * & ptr=0x000000000bd855c0,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 202    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkSmartPointerBase::Report(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 97
>>    C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkInformationExecutivePortKey::Report(vtkInformation *
>> info=0x000000000bd923b0, vtkGarbageCollector * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)
>>  Line 159 C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformation::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 812 + 0x35 bytes       C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd923b0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd923b0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd923b0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd923b0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd970b0)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd923b0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd970b0, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd923b0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bd970b0, const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformation>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformation * & ptr=0x000000000bd923b0,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 202  C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformationVector::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 227 + 0x27 bytes C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd96bf0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd96bf0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd96bf0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd96bf0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd96b80)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd96bf0, void * ptr=0x000000000bd96b80, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd96bf0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bd96b80, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformationVector>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformationVector * &
>> ptr=0x000000000bd96bf0, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 202
>> C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkExecutive::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 304   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd949e0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd949e0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd949e0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd949e0, void * ptr=0x000000000be59548)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bd949e0, void * ptr=0x000000000be59548, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bd949e0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000be59548, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkObjectBase>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * & ptr=0x000000000bd949e0,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 202    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkSmartPointerBase::Report(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09350)  Line 97
>>    C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkInformationExecutivePortKey::Report(vtkInformation *
>> info=0x000000000bec2a20, vtkGarbageCollector * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)
>>  Line 159 C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformation::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 812 + 0x35 bytes       C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec2a20)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec2a20)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec2a20)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec2a20, void * ptr=0x000000000bec22f0)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec2a20, void * ptr=0x000000000bec22f0, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec2a20, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bec22f0, const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformation>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformation * & ptr=0x000000000bec2a20,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feeb7a7160)  Line 202  C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkInformationVector::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *
>> collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 227 + 0x27 bytes C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec24c0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec24c0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec24c0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec24c0, void * ptr=0x000000000bec2450)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec24c0, void * ptr=0x000000000bec2450, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec24c0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000bec2450, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkInformationVector>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkInformationVector * &
>> ptr=0x000000000bec24c0, const char * desc=0x000007feebf09570)  Line 202
>> C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkExecutive::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 304   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec27c0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec27c0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec27c0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec27c0, void * ptr=0x000000000be50df0)  Line 632 + 0xf bytes
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::Report(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000bec27c0, void * ptr=0x000000000be50df0, const char *
>> desc=0x000007feebeb81a0)  Line 624    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReportInternal(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000bec27c0, void
>> * ptr=0x000000000be50df0, const char * desc=0x000007feebeb81a0)  Line 1066
>>   C++
>>  vtkFiltering.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorReport<vtkExecutive>(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkExecutive * & ptr=0x000000000bec27c0,
>> const char * desc=0x000007feebeb81a0)  Line 202   C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkAlgorithm::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * collector=0x0000000000b37f10)  Line 924   C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorToObjectBaseFriendship::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector
>> * self=0x0000000000b37f10, vtkObjectBase * obj=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 116
>>      C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::VisitTarjan(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 549    C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::MaybeVisit(vtkObjectBase *
>> obj=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 519 + 0x15 bytes        C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::FindComponents(vtkObjectBase
>> * root=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 506        C++
>>  vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollectorImpl::CollectInternal(vtkObjectBase *
>> root=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 462       C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkGarbageCollector::Collect(vtkObjectBase *
>> root=0x000000000be50da0)  Line 903   C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkObjectBase::UnRegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *
>> __formal=0x0000000000000000, int check=1)  Line 289     C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkObject::UnRegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *
>> o=0x0000000000000000, int check=1)  Line 886        C++
>>        vtkFiltering.dll!vtkAlgorithm::UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *
>> o=0x0000000000000000)  Line 917       C++
>>        vtkCommon.dll!vtkSmartPointerBase::~vtkSmartPointerBase()  Line 64
>>      C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>::~vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>()
>>  + 0x2e bytes    C++
>>        vtkViews.dll!vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>::`scalar
>> deleting destructor'()  + 0x31 bytes       C++
>>        vtkViews.dll!std::_Destroy<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> >(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _Ptr=0x000000000b664620)  Line 60
>>  C++
>>        vtkViews.dll!std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> >::destroy(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _Ptr=0x000000000b664620)
>>  Line 161       C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::_Destroy_range<std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > >(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _First=0x000000000b664620,
>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _Last=0x000000000b664628,
>> std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> > & _Al={...},
>> std::_Nonscalar_ptr_iterator_tag __formal={...})  Line 234 + 0xf bytes   C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::_Destroy_range<std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > >(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _First=0x000000000b664590,
>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> * _Last=0x000000000b664628,
>> std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> > & _Al={...})  Line
>> 226        C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > >::_Destroy(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> *
>> _First=0x000000000b664590, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> *
>> _Last=0x000000000b664628)  Line 1125   C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> >
>> >::_Insert_n(std::_Vector_const_iterator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > > * _Where={...}, unsigned __int64 _Count=20, const
>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> & _Val={...})  Line 1196     C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> >
>> >::insert(std::_Vector_const_iterator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > > * _Where={...}, const vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> &
>> _Val={...})  Line 878     C++
>>  vtkViews.dll!std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>,std::allocator<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation>
>> > >::push_back(const vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataRepresentation> & _Val={...})
>>  Line 823 + 0x6a bytes  C++
>>        vtkViews.dll!vtkView::AddRepresentation(vtkDataRepresentation *
>> rep=0x000000000bd9a150)  Line 204 + 0x23 bytes  C++
>>        vtkPVFilters.dll!vtkPVCompositeRepresentation::AddToView(vtkView *
>> view=0x0000000008196ee0)  Line 135   C++
>>        vtkViews.dll!vtkView::AddRepresentation(vtkDataRepresentation *
>> rep=0x000000000be51770)  Line 187 + 0x18 bytes  C++
>>        vtkViewsCS.dll!vtkViewCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter *
>> arlu=0x0000000004d194b0, vtkObjectBase * ob=0x0000000008196ee0, const char *
>> method=0x000000000bd6bca9, const vtkClientServerStream & msg={...},
>> vtkClientServerStream & resultStream={...})  Line 92        C++
>>        vtkPVFiltersCS.dll!vtkPVViewCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter *
>> arlu=0x0000000004d194b0, vtkObjectBase * ob=0x0000000008196ee0, const char *
>> method=0x000000000bd6bca9, const vtkClientServerStream & msg={...},
>> vtkClientServerStream & resultStream={...})  Line 234 + 0x2f bytes    C++
>>  vtkPVFiltersCS.dll!vtkPVRenderViewCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter *
>> arlu=0x0000000004d194b0, vtkObjectBase * ob=0x0000000008196ee0, const char *
>> method=0x000000000bd6bca9, const vtkClientServerStream & msg={...},
>> vtkClientServerStream & resultStream={...})  Line 1182 + 0x2f bytes     C++
>>  vtkClientServer.dll!vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessCommandInvoke(const
>> vtkClientServerStream & css={...}, int midx=0)  Line 379 + 0x2f bytes
>>  C++
>>  vtkClientServer.dll!vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessOneMessage(const
>> vtkClientServerStream & css={...}, int message=0)  Line 214 + 0x1d bytes
>>    C++
>>        vtkClientServer.dll!vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessStream(const
>> vtkClientServerStream & css={...})  Line 183 + 0x14 bytes   C++
>>  vtkPVServerCommon.dll!vtkSelfConnection::ProcessStreamLocally(vtkClientServerStream
>> & stream={...})  Line 119   C++
>>  vtkPVServerCommon.dll!vtkSelfConnection::SendStreamToClient(vtkClientServerStream
>> & stream={...})  Line 112     C++
>>  vtkPVServerCommon.dll!vtkProcessModuleConnection::SendStream(unsigned int
>> servers=21, vtkClientServerStream & stream={...})  Line 243   C++
>>  vtkPVServerCommon.dll!vtkProcessModuleConnectionManager::SendStream(__int64
>> connectionID=5, unsigned int serverFlags=21, vtkClientServerStream &
>> stream={...}, int reset=1)  Line 544   C++
>>        vtkPVServerCommon.dll!vtkProcessModule::SendStream(__int64
>> connectionID=5, unsigned int server=21, vtkClientServerStream &
>> stream={...}, int resetStream=1)  Line 919 + 0x25 bytes      C++
>>        vtkPVServerManager.dll!vtkSMProxy::UpdateVTKObjects()  Line 1025 +
>> 0x2c bytes   C++
>>        pqCore.dll!pqObjectBuilder::createDataRepresentation(pqOutputPort *
>> opPort=0x000000000baeebf0, pqView * view=0x00000000082e2af0, const QString &
>> representationType={...})  Line 510    C++
>>        pqCore.dll!pqDisplayPolicy::newRepresentation(pqOutputPort *
>> port=0x000000000baeebf0, pqView * view=0x00000000082e2af0)  Line 361 + 0x47
>> bytes  C++
>>  pqCore.dll!pqDisplayPolicy::setRepresentationVisibility(pqOutputPort *
>> opPort=0x000000000baeebf0, pqView * view=0x00000000082e2af0, bool
>> visible=true)  Line 298 + 0x1d bytes   C++
>>  pqCore.dll!pqDisplayPolicy::createPreferredRepresentation(pqOutputPort *
>> opPort=0x000000000baeebf0, pqView * view=0x00000000082e2af0, bool
>> dont_create_view=false)  Line 268    C++
>>        pqComponents.dll!pqObjectInspectorWidget::show(pqPipelineSource *
>> source=0x000000000bae33a0)  Line 713 + 0x3b bytes     C++
>>        pqComponents.dll!pqObjectInspectorWidget::accept()  Line 527    C++
>>  pqComponents.dll!pqObjectInspectorWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call
>> _c=InvokeMetaMethod, int _id=9, void * * _a=0x0000000000b3a5b0)  Line 116 +
>> 0xa bytes   C++
>>        QtCored4.dll!0000000067228d11()
>>        QtCored4.dll!0000000067244066()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!0000000065b4b99d()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000656ad49e()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000656ad437()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000656ae88a()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!000000006510e1c7()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000656ae66b()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000657af361()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000650772b0()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!0000000065074f64()
>>        QtCored4.dll!000000006721dc4a()
>>        QtCored4.dll!00000000672e6d8c()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!00000000650735c2()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!000000006515980a()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!0000000065153d60()
>>        user32.dll!0000000077a9c3c1()
>>        user32.dll!0000000077a9c60a()
>>        QtCored4.dll!000000006726ea6a()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!0000000065152565()
>>        QtCored4.dll!000000006721b01a()
>>        QtCored4.dll!000000006721b1a1()
>>        QtCored4.dll!000000006721e279()
>>        QtGuid4.dll!0000000065074278()
>>        paraview.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x0000000004c80980)
>>  Line 127 + 0x6 bytes   C++
>>        paraview.exe!WinMain()  + 0xb1 bytes
>>        paraview.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 574 + 0x42 bytes C
>>        paraview.exe!WinMainCRTStartup()  Line 399      C
>>        kernel32.dll!0000000077b9f56d()
>>        ntdll.dll!0000000077cd2cc1()
>> --
>> John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
>> http://www.cscs.ch/
>> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
>> Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
>> _______________________________________________
>> Paraview-developers mailing list
>> Paraview-developers at paraview.org
>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview-developers
>> --
>> Robert Maynard
>> --
>> Robert Maynard
> --
> Robert Maynard

Robert Maynard
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