[Paraview-developers] Cray Dashboard Failure Diagnosis

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Tue Mar 9 09:57:48 EST 2010

Pat et al

Changing the interactor fixes the problem. Nice work.

Seems like in vtkGraphicsFactory, that when OSMESA is defined, we could always return a TestingInteractor? does offscreen rendering ever use normal interactors?

New problem:
if I do (from an interactive MOM node)
ctest -R Python
then 360 tests run and 356 pass (not bad) (NB. in the python testing there is module "time", which could not be found, so I had to comment out a bunch of walltime checks - is this a python build issue or a paraview one, I guess the datetime module which didn't compile in python 2.5.2 needs fixing - yes?)

if I do
aprun -n 1 /full/path/to/ctest -R Python

then the first Python test passes, but all the rest time out. It's as though something is stopping me forking two python jobs one after the other. Ideally, I'd need to tell ctest to call
aprun -n 1 test for all tests individually. Is there  a way of adding an extra command to the start of the test command line?

nearly there ...

Thanks in advance


From: pat marion [mailto:pat.marion at kitware.com]
Sent: 08 March 2010 23:05
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: Burlen Loring; ParaView Developers
Subject: Re: [Paraview-developers] Cray Dashboard Failure Diagnosis

Hi John,

I'm back at the office now and I can confirm that it is vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New causing the segfaults.  You noted that the CellLocator test seems to crashes at exit, well if you look at the code it calls vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New after is does 'cout << 'Passed: a total of 9802 ray-sphere intersections detected.'

The Widgets tests pass because they use vtkTestingObjectFactory to override vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New() to instantiate a vtkTestingInteractor.

Here is a temp fix- edit VTK/Rendering/vtkGraphicsFactory.cxx and replace:

    return vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();


    return vtkTestingInteractor::New();

Also add an #include "vtkTestingInteractor.h", then recompile and try your tests again.  Maybe sometime we'll have time to setup a static, python, osmesa, no x11 dashboard and fix these tests properly.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:42 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch<mailto:biddisco at cscs.ch>> wrote:

> the segfaults are from tests that call vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New(), causing an infinite loop inside vtkGraphicsFactory.cxx

This is a good theory, Can anyone who is not on holiday :) confirm if any of these tests (the passing ones) instantiate interactors (list of Widget test results at end)

Burlen :

>Can you run one of the tests in a debugger and see specifically where it segfaults? I'm sure that will give you the clue you're after. I guess this is obvious so maybe there is a reason you haven't done it.

Quite right. For reasons unknown to me, I don't get any symbol information and gdb tells me nothing. I've been asking around to see why my build has no debug info, but so far I'm clueless.

Anyone :

Important observation, looking at various outputs, I noticed that for example, CellLocator test does this

76: Test command: /users/biddisco/build/paraview/bin/GraphicsCxxTests CellLocator -D /apps/sandbox/VTKData -T /users/biddisco/build/paraview/VTK/Testing/Temporary -V Baseline/Graphics/CellLocator.png

76: Test timeout computed to be: 1500

76: Passed: a total of 9802 ray-sphere intersections detected.

1/1 Test #76: CellLocator ......................***Exception: SegFault  0.23 sec

It actually does the test OK, but fails on exit. So now I'm lookingat cleanup code etc.


ctest -R Widget
Test project /users/biddisco/build/paraview
      Start 533: HeaderTesting-Widgets
 1/38 Test #533: HeaderTesting-Widgets .....................   Passed    2.72 sec
      Start 534: BoxWidget
 2/38 Test #534: BoxWidget .................................   Passed    6.04 sec
      Start 535: BoxWidget2
 3/38 Test #535: BoxWidget2 ................................***Failed    3.42 sec
      Start 536: TestAngleWidget2D
 4/38 Test #536: TestAngleWidget2D .........................   Passed    0.49 sec
      Start 537: TestAngleWidget3D
 5/38 Test #537: TestAngleWidget3D .........................   Passed    1.10 sec
      Start 538: TestBalloonWidget
 6/38 Test #538: TestBalloonWidget .........................   Passed    0.10 sec
      Start 539: TestCaptionWidget
 7/38 Test #539: TestCaptionWidget .........................   Passed    2.41 sec
      Start 540: TestCheckerboardWidget
 8/38 Test #540: TestCheckerboardWidget ....................   Passed    0.23 sec
      Start 541: TestContourWidget2
 9/38 Test #541: TestContourWidget2 ........................   Passed    0.13 sec
      Start 542: TestDistanceWidget
10/38 Test #542: TestDistanceWidget ........................   Passed    1.37 sec
      Start 543: TestImplicitPlaneWidget
11/38 Test #543: TestImplicitPlaneWidget ...................   Passed    4.48 sec
      Start 544: TestImplicitPlaneWidget2
12/38 Test #544: TestImplicitPlaneWidget2 ..................   Passed    4.78 sec
      Start 545: TestImplicitPlaneWidget2b
13/38 Test #545: TestImplicitPlaneWidget2b .................   Passed    0.15 sec
      Start 546: TestOrientationMarkerWidget
14/38 Test #546: TestOrientationMarkerWidget ...............   Passed    4.59 sec
      Start 547: TestRectilinearWipeWidget
15/38 Test #547: TestRectilinearWipeWidget .................   Passed    2.96 sec
      Start 548: TestSeedWidget
16/38 Test #548: TestSeedWidget ............................   Passed    0.71 sec
      Start 549: TestSliderWidget
17/38 Test #549: TestSliderWidget ..........................   Passed    1.74 sec
      Start 550: TestSliderWidget2D
18/38 Test #550: TestSliderWidget2D ........................   Passed    2.08 sec
      Start 551: TestTextWidget
19/38 Test #551: TestTextWidget ............................   Passed    0.10 sec
      Start 552: TestParallelopipedWidget
20/38 Test #552: TestParallelopipedWidget ..................   Passed    0.28 sec
      Start 553: TestSeedWidgetNonUniformRepresentations
21/38 Test #553: TestSeedWidgetNonUniformRepresentations ...   Passed    0.35 sec
      Start 554: ImagePlaneWidget
22/38 Test #554: ImagePlaneWidget ..........................   Passed    4.51 sec
      Start 556: TestImageActorContourWidget
23/38 Test #556: TestImageActorContourWidget ...............***Failed    2.03 sec
      Start 557: TestSurfaceConstrainedHandleWidget
24/38 Test #557: TestSurfaceConstrainedHandleWidget ........   Passed    2.66 sec
      Start 558: TestPolygonalRepresentationHandleWidget
25/38 Test #558: TestPolygonalRepresentationHandleWidget ...   Passed    2.52 sec
      Start 560: TestSphereHandleWidget
26/38 Test #560: TestSphereHandleWidget ....................   Passed   21.94 sec
      Start 561: TestImageTracerWidget
27/38 Test #561: TestImageTracerWidget .....................   Passed    4.37 sec
      Start 562: TestLineWidget
28/38 Test #562: TestLineWidget ............................   Passed    0.96 sec
      Start 563: TestLineWidget2
29/38 Test #563: TestLineWidget2 ...........................   Passed    1.15 sec
      Start 564: TestLogoWidgetAlphaBlending
30/38 Test #564: TestLogoWidgetAlphaBlending ...............***Failed    0.12 sec
File "../../../Testing/Temporary/TestLogoWidgetAlphaBlending.png" not found.
File "../../../Testing/Temporary/TestLogoWidgetAlphaBlending.diff.png" not found.
      Start 565: TestLogoWidgetDepthPeeling
31/38 Test #565: TestLogoWidgetDepthPeeling ................***Failed    0.11 sec
File "../../../Testing/Temporary/TestLogoWidgetDepthPeeling.png" not found.
File "../../../Testing/Temporary/TestLogoWidgetDepthPeeling.diff.png" not found.
      Start 567: TestPlaneWidget
32/38 Test #567: TestPlaneWidget ...........................   Passed    2.77 sec
      Start 568: TestPointWidget
33/38 Test #568: TestPointWidget ...........................   Passed    0.86 sec
      Start 569: TestScalarBarWidget
34/38 Test #569: TestScalarBarWidget .......................   Passed    2.58 sec
      Start 570: TestSplineWidget
35/38 Test #570: TestSplineWidget ..........................   Passed    1.86 sec
      Start 571: TestTensorProbeWidget
36/38 Test #571: TestTensorProbeWidget .....................   Passed    3.68 sec
      Start 573: TestHandleWidget
37/38 Test #573: TestHandleWidget ..........................   Passed    1.97 sec
      Start 575: TestImagePlaneWidgetPython-image
38/38 Test #575: TestImagePlaneWidgetPython-image ..........***Failed    5.44 sec

87% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 38

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