[Paraview-developers] Adding a check for local Git hooks

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Jul 15 05:40:08 EDT 2010

After doing a merge, I get * * literally thousands * * of errors when I try to commit my local branch

Stuff like this (below). They are all files that I have never modified, so I'm not sure that I should be getting the blame for it. Is there a way of killing all these trailing whitespace errors in one blast?


pre-commit hook failure

Charts/Testing/Cxx/TestStackedPlot.cxx:41: trailing whitespace.
+static const char *month_labels[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
Charts/Testing/Cxx/TestStackedPlot.cxx:126: trailing whitespace.
Charts/Testing/Cxx/TestVector.cxx:28: trailing whitespace.
Charts/Testing/Cxx/TestVector.cxx:32: trailing whitespace.
Charts/Testing/Python/TestStackedPlot.py:12: trailing whitespace.
+month_labels =  ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
Charts/vtkPlotBar.cxx:112: trailing whitespace.
+    void Configure(vtkPlotBar *bar,vtkDataArray *x_array, vtkDataArray *y_array,vtkPlotBarSegment *prev)
Charts/vtkPlotBar.cxx:122: trailing whitespace.
+      if (x_array)
Charts/vtkPlotBar.cxx:163: trailing whitespace.
+    bool GetNearestPoint(const vtkVector2f& point,
Charts/vtkPlotBar.cxx:191: trailing whitespace.
Charts/vtkPlotBar.cxx:243: trailing whitespace.
+    vtkPlotBarSegment *AddSegment(vtkDataArray *x_array, vtkDataArray *y_array,

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