[Paraview-developers] ParaView 3.6.2 Release Announcement

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Mon Jan 4 17:11:46 EST 2010

Hello All,

Kitware, Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Lab are proud
to announce the release of ParaView 3.6.2. The binaries and sources are
available for download from the ParaView website (
http://www.paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.html). ParaView 3.6.2
contains the following new features and improvements.

The Python interface has been revamped, an exciting new extension to the
Paraview Python interface is Python trace. The goal of trace is to generate
human readable, not overly verbose, Python scripts that mimic a user's
actions in the GUI. See the "Python Trace" article on page 6 of the October
2009 Kitware Source for more details.

ParaView 3.6.2 includes a collection of statistics algorithms. You can
compute descriptive statistics (mean, variance, min, max, skewness,
kurtosis), compute contingency tables, perform k-means analysis, examine
correlations between arrays, and perform principal component analysis on
arrays.  More information about these filters is available on the ParaView
Wiki at http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Statistical_analysis.

ParaView 3.6.2 includes the VisTrails Provenance Explorer plugin in the
Windows and Linux packages. VisTrails is an open-source scientific workflow
and provenance management system developed at the University of Utah that
provides support for data exploration and visualization. The VisTrails
Pplugin brings provenance tracking and many of the benefits of provenance to
ParaView users. It automatically and transparently tracks the steps a user
followed to create a visualization. In contrast to the traditional undo/redo
stack, which is cleared whenever new actions are performed, the plugin
captures the complete exploration trail as a user explores different
parameters and visualization techniques. A tree-based view of the history of
actions allows a user to return to a previous version in an intuitive way,
undo bad changes, compare different visualizations, and be reminded of the
actions that led to a particular result. Also, there is no limit on the
number of operations that can be undone, no matter how far back in the
history of the visualization they are. Last, but not least, the history is
persistent across sessions. The VisTrails plugin can save all of the
information needed to restore any state of the visualization in .vt files,
which can be reloaded across ParaView sessions and shared among
collaborators. This also allows multiple visualizations to be shared with a
single file.

LANL's cosmo plugin is now distributed with ParaView 3.6.2. This plugin
allows ParaView to read and process *.cosmo format files, in which particles
are described by mass, velocity and identification tags. These particles
typically represent stellar masses. The halo finder filter is a
friend-of-a-friend particle clustering algorithm. It creates groups
containing particles that satisfy a tolerance/threshold linking distance
criterion. The cosmology data format, halo finding algorithm, and related
(experimental) filter implementations are made possible by the LANL
cosmology researchers, the LANL visualization team, and international

Mac application bundle and comand line tools are now built as universal
binaries (PPC and Intel i386). This simplifies managing ParaView on Mac as
now there is only a single binary to download for any architecture.

As always, we rely on your feedback to make ParaView better and powerful. We
are experimenting with a new user-feedback mechanism. Please use
http://paraview.uservoice.com/ or click on the "Tell us what you think" link
of www.paraview.org to leave your feedback and vote for new features.

The ParaView Team.
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