[Paraview-developers] adding plugins (reader & filter) to existing build on Windows

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Thu Dec 16 06:59:22 EST 2010

Hi Richard,

To build your plugin inside of ParaView you can Place separate directories
for each plugin under ParaView\Plugins. In each directory you would place
the source, xml and CMakeLists.txt for each respective plugin. Then in the
root of the Plugins directory you will need to modify that CMakeLists.txt
file. In that file you will see calls to paraview_build_optional_plugin. Add
entries for each of your plugins. The arguments for that macro are.

paraview_build_optional_plugin(<PluginName> <Comment> <Plugin Directory>
<Default Enabled/Disabled>)

Let us know if you need any more help.

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Richard Strelitz <strelitz at lanl.gov>wrote:

> I have 2 related client side plugins-a reader and a filter and an existing
> successful build of 3.8 on Windows 7.  I would like to add the plugins to
> the PV framework; I have had the code and the plugins themselves tested on
> a Linux box.  What changes do I have to make to the various CMAKE files
> and where is the best place to insert the directories that house the code
> (.cxx and .h) and the .xml and cmake files.  Not that it should matter, I
> am using Visual Studio 8 for the build.
> Thanks in advance.
> Richard
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