[Paraview-developers] eye angle in Save Animation

Ken Olum kdo at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Wed Dec 1 18:34:50 EST 2010

I'm trying to add the ability to set the "eye angle" in Save Animation
and Save Screenshot.  I attempted to do it by following what was done
for setting the stereo mode (although this seems wrong to me because I
don't see why the view on the screen should be modified by these
functions at all.)  So I put an extra argument in
pqRenderViewBase::setStereo() to set the eye angle, and allowed the
user to enter it in a box under the stereo mode.  This worked great
for Save Screenshot, and it almost worked for Save Animation.  It
seems that when the animation you are saving is smaller than the
default resolution (which is based on the existing view) it works, but
if it is larger it uses the default eye angle and ignores what you
give it.

I've spent a while trying to find the reason for this with little
success, so I thought I'd post here and see if someone just knows why
what I'm doing fails in this case.

Thanks for your help.


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