[Paraview-developers] Problem compiling with MinGW

Robert Kerr rakerr at sandia.gov
Fri Sep 25 09:29:17 EDT 2009

Hi all,
So, after yesterday's discussion about cygwin, I decided to try to build 
on windows using the mingw suite of tools.  Ran cmake, got everything 
looking nice, and started the build.  Looked like everything was building 
fine and such, but when it got to:
Linking CXX shared library ..\..\..\bin\libXdmf.dll

I got a bunch of unresolved symbols from the vtkhdf5 stuff, a sample of 
which is:

undefined reference to `_imp__H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT_g'

Now, I've assured myself that libvtkhdf5.dll does indeed have the symbol 

So, now I'm confused.  The make command line under mingw compiles the .dll 
and, at the same time, outputs a corresponding .a file (which is similar 
to the .lib file that Visual Studio creates).  So, libXdmf.dll has, as 
part of its compile command, a part that links in libvtkhdf5.dll.a.  So, 
to my mind, it seems rather obviously correct, as we've made it half-way 
through the compilation before this barfs.

Some conjectures:  libvtkhdf5.dll is made from .c files rather than .cxx 
files, so perhaps the fact that it's a c library rather than a c++ library 
is breaking the build?
The _declspec declarations for libvtkhdf5.dll are incorrect?
Gremlins are infesting my laptop.

I see from the dashboard that kitware actually does have a mingw build (or 
at least, a build with mingw in the name), so it looks like this should 

Any MinGW/Windows gurus out there have any ideas for me?



Staple guns: because duct tape can't make that 'kaCHUNK' noise.
*      Robert Kerr, Member of the Cubit Mesh Generation Team         *
*       and the Titan Informatics Toolkit Development Team           *
*      rakerr at sandia.gov          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 1323         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*       Fax: (505) 284-2518       |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-1323      *

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