[Paraview-developers] GlobalResultArrayInfo AND GlobalResultArrayStatus returning NULL

Goldman, Jon jgoldma at sandia.gov
Tue Oct 13 14:47:14 EDT 2009

I am seeing a problem with a 10-12-2009 CVS checkout of ParaView (trunk), where calls to GetProperty("GlobalResultArrayInfo") and GetProperty("GlobalResultArrayStatus") are returning NULL. 

So this call:

   vtkSMProperty * prop;
   prop = meshReaderProxy->GetProperty("GlobalResultArrayInfo");

Used to return a valid pointer (from an August 4 or 5 ParaView checkout on trunk).
meshReaderProxy->GetProperty("GlobalResultArrayStatus") is also returning Null.
I didn't dig too deep but for some reason

	vtkSMProxy::GetProperty(const char* name, int selfOnly)

can't find the GlobalResultArrayInfo property (in my 10/12 checkout) and is returning NULL.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?


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