[Paraview-developers] Dashboards...

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Fri Dec 1 09:40:16 EST 2006

Dear VTK and ParaView Developers,

We had a nice green streak going there for a while on our dashboards,
after a concerted effort by many of us back in October to address the
outstanding issues. Lately, however, (over the last week and a half or
so) there have been a slew of unnecessary nightly dashboard failures.

I use the word "unnecessary" because many of these issues were caught
within an hour of commit time by the various VTK and ParaView
continuous dashboards. These continuous dashboards run from 8:30 am
until around 8:30 pm every single day. (Barring disastrous power
failures in the Clifton Park, NY area and the occasional hard disk
full or network connectivity issue.)

And yet... if the commit time is too late in the day, then there is no
time left to address the failure prior to the run of nightly
dashboards. It is my strong recommendation to all of you that have CVS
write privileges for ParaView and VTK to restrict your commits to the
recommended time window of before 12:00 noon Eastern time US.

I have updated the VTK Wiki with some cvs commit guidelines, including
the recommended time window at

These guidelines first appeared on Oct. 9. I added some more details
to them this morning. Even if you've seen them before, take a fresh
look and let them seep into your consciousness a little more strongly.
It's good to see that there have been 359 page views there since I
added them.

Take some time to review these guidelines and integrate them into your
daily work habits as they relate to VTK and ParaView commits. It will
make for a more pleasant dashboard experience for all of us. It
benefits all of us when we can keep the dashboards in a relatively
stable, mostly green sort of state...

David Cole
Kitware, Inc.

    ("Don't make me come over there!")

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