[Paraview-developers] branching ParaView 2.4

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Tue Sep 20 14:57:41 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

It's time to create another ParaView release.  I am aware of a few 
items that still need to be finished and checked in, but I would like 
to cut the 2.4 branch in 2 weeks (October 4).  I'll send out another 
e-mail the day before actually making the branch.  The dashboard 
needs to be completely green in order for us to cut the branch, so 
please watch the dashboard after you commit changes.  Below is a list 
of the issues I know of that need to be committed before 2.4 is 
released.  If you are not working on one of these, please hold off 
checking in changes to the ParaView source tree until the branch is 
cut.  Please also let me know if there are other major changes I 
should be aware of.

known changes:
vtkSpyPlotReader  (Andy Cedilnik)
changing vtkEnSightReader (and subclasses) to produce composite 
data  (Berk Geveci and Amy Squillacote)
parallel volume rendering issues  (Sandia folks)

- Amy

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