[Paraview-developers] Dashboard

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 09:45:20 EDT 2005

Hi All,

We have done quite well making the dashboard green. There are only a
few issues left. I would like have these resolved in the next few
days. Here is a list:

* Faling test PreIntegrationIncremental on destiny.kitware
* Failing test TestKWWidgetsTourExample on shannara.kitware
* Failing test DistributedData-image on DASH3.kitware
* Failing test TestLookmarks-batch-ParaView on DASH3.kitware
* Failing test SPCTHRenderServer-ParaView on DASH1.kitware
* Warnings on GUI/Client/vtkPVLookmark.cxx

Please take a look at this list and see if you can fix any of these
problems. If you need help tracking things down, let me know.


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