[Paraview-developers] Using ParseOGLExt string tokenizer

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Tue Aug 2 15:27:20 EDT 2005

Hi Eric,

Do you require just the tokenizer or the whole ParseOGLExt?

I do not want to expose the tokenizer outside ParaView because it is not
really a ParaView class.


Stanton, Eric T wrote:

>I'd like to make use of the Tokenizer class in
>/VTK/Utilities/ParseOGLExt from a class in /GUI/Client. Is the best way
>to do this adding "${ParaView_SOURCE_DIR}/VTK/Utilities/ParseOGLExt" to
>the list of INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() in /GUI/Client/CMakeLists.txt?
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Andy Cedilnik
Kitware Inc.

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