[Paraview-developers] Re: [Paraview] ParaView 2.2.1

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Mon Aug 1 16:10:08 EDT 2005

The assignment of machines to displays for tiled display is still 
determined by the order in which the machine names are given to MPI. 
They are still assigned the same way as when this thread 
started by you, was written previously.

- Amy

At 04:01 PM 8/1/2005, Phillip Ezolt wrote:
> > 27)     Remove --cave-configuration (-cc) and --machines (-m)
> > command-line arguments. These must now instead be specified in an XML
> > configuration file (see attachment for an example); the name of this
> > configuration file should be passed to each executable being run
> > (paraview, pvserver, pvclient, pvdataserver, pvrenderserver).
>Does this only work for Cave configs or will this config file also allow
>a user to specify the configuration of a tiled display?  (Ie, which
>machines display which part of the display?)
> > - Amy
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>Phillip Ezolt <Phillip.Ezolt at hp.com>

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