[Paraview-developers] Sub proxies

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Apr 26 09:17:55 EDT 2005

The feature of exposing properties with some other names is something 
that had crossed my mind earlier. The only possible problem (that I can 
think of) with that, is that in such a case the XMLName of the property 
and the name the property is associated with (i.e. the exposed name) 
will not necessarily be the same. In other words, it's convienient for a 
proxy to return a property when a it is requested with some other name 
with which  it is being exposed. The difficulty lies in obtaining the 
exposed name of a property.


Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
>>There is no way to get the SubProxy.
>>However, one is free to "Expose" certain properties from the 
>>subproxy and then these properties can be manipulated 
>>directly by the external world, thus inturn manipulating the subproxy.
> That will not work for me because I have two subproxies of the same type
> and I need to access the same property in each of them (an no, the
> properties cannot be shared).
> If this is truly the only way to access properties of subproxies, than
> there should be a way to change the name of the exposed property.  For
> example, let's say I have a proxy with two subproxies named FunctionFoo
> and FunctionBar, both of which are PiecewiseFunctions.  Does it not make
> sense to expose the Points property of each subproxy as
> FunctionFooPoints and FunctionBarPoints, respectively?
> -Ken

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