[Paraview-developers] ParaView 2.0.1

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Tue Apr 12 13:48:06 EDT 2005

Dear ParaView users and developers,

The ParaView 2.0.1 release is now available for download from the ParaView 
web site: http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Download.html. There are several 
changes included in this release.

1) The size of the precompiled binary files for linux has been 
significantly reduced. The .gz file went from 64.3 MB to 22.1 MB. The .Z 
one is down to 33.7 MB from 108 MB.
2) When "Play Demo" is selected from the Help menu, the Demo1.pvs file is 
correctly located, and the demo runs.
3) On Windows, all the ParaView-related executables are included in the 
precompiled binaries.
4) On Windows, the Uninstall executable actually uninstalls ParaView 
(including removing it from the Start menu and the registry).
5) The auto-accept feature has been turned off for the array calculator. 
Using auto-accept with this filter caused ParaView to produce errors 
because it tried to evaluate the expression in the calculator before it had 
been completely entered (bug #1549).
6) The problem with Cache Geometry in animation in client / server mode 
where the animated parameter stops changing has been corrected (bug #1502).
7) Clicking the "Label Point Ids" check box no longer crashes the 
application (bug #1657).
8) When probing with a line, you can now select which array(s) to display 
in the XY plot. The results can be exported to a CSV file, which is 
readable by MS Excel.
9) The PVD reader loads all parts, not just the first one (bug #1742).
10) In pvTestDriver.cxx (used in ParaView's regression testing), a 
correction was made to the code determining which tests are allowed to have 
errors and still pass.
11) The "Save SM State" item has been removed from the File menu. This is a 
development feature and was not intended for the release.

We hope you enjoy this new release of ParaView.

- Amy

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