[Paraview-developers] New repository work

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 09:37:30 -0500

Hi All,

Just wanted to give everybody another heads up.

Today I will reshuffle ParaView CVS repositories. Please note that if
you have any locally modified files, commit them now, otherwise you
might lose something.

If you have ParaViewComplete checkout, there should not be any issue,
but all the changes made in ParaViewComplete will not appear in the new
ParaView repository.

The old ParaView repository will be replaced with the new ParaView,
which has entirely different directory structure, so it will not CVS
update properly. You may want to consider doing a fresh checkout.

If you want to test drive the new repository, do checkout ParaView2.
This link will stay for one week, which should give everybody time for

Thank you.

			Andy Cedilnik
			Kitware Inc.