[Paraview-developers] RE: Pipeline 'split'

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:00:43 -0700


Thank you for the detailed explanation of the issues and proposed solutions.
After reading your email I agree with you on having a 'thicker' layer that
can abstract some of the parallel functionality. I think your proposed
design is reasonable... The only reason I was grumbling was because I hadn't
heard anything... :)

	Brian Wylie
	Sandia National Laboratories
	MS 0822 - Org 9227 - Building 880/A1-J
	(505) 844-2238   FAX (505) 845-0833

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Berk Geveci [mailto:berk.geveci at kitware.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:45 AM
> To: Jim Ahrens
> Cc: Brian Wylie; Charles Law; Bill Hoffman; Ken Martin; 
> ParaView Developers
> Subject: Re: Pipeline 'split'
> Hi.
> I don't exactly understand what "pipeline split" is. I will 
> describe shortly what I have been doing:
> Objective: Separate ParaView's server management code from 
> the GUI code.
> Current state: ParaView uses a loose proxy pattern to drive 
> the server. Each object on the server is represented by an id 
> and is accessed by the client through this id and the stream 
> based wrappers.
> Problems: 
> * The server access is spread throughout the ParaView code 
> and the method used to manage objects vary depending on the 
> class (and the programmer who implemented the class). For 
> example, a filter is manipulated directly by a PVSource, 
> PVWidget, PVWidgetProperty.
> * There is no uniform method to access VTK objects on the 
> server. For example, RenderModules access the RenderWindow 
> directly (a RenderModule has an ivar that is the id of the 
> RenderWindow), whereas PVSources use PVWidgets and 
> PVWidgetProperties to access the sources (PVSource has a an 
> ivar that is the ids of the filters it maintains and it 
> passes this to other objects as necessary).
> * It is not possible to re-use any ParaView code to write 
> another client.
> Solution:
> Separate the part of ParaView that manages the VTK objects on 
> the server to an independent module (i.e. a library that 
> ParaView client links to). This module consists of:
> * Proxy classes: Actually, a combination of proxy and adapter 
> patterns. While providing a way to manipulate one or more VTK 
> objects of the same class on the server, the proxy does not 
> duplicate the interface of the object it manages. Rather, it 
> provides an adapter that makes the interface more uniform.
> * Property classes: There are read and write properties. 
> Write properties usually correspond to SetXXX methods. 
> However, they can do much more complicated things under 
> covers. Read properties usually correspond to PVInformation 
> objects. They provide some sort of information about the VTK 
> object(s) they are associated with. For example, the (whole) 
> bounds of a (data parallel) data object.
> Proxies and properties are described in XML. Currently, the 
> configuration file is created manually. It would be nice to 
> have it semi-automatically generated (not in our radar right now).
> We did not use the "thin" proxy described by Brian because it 
> provides very little advantage over directly accessing the 
> VTK objects through a wrapping layer such as Tcl or 
> Client/Server streams. The proxies and properties I described 
> above provide a thicker layer that implement:
> - composite objects : the client does not have to create a 
> mapper, actor, renderer, renderwindow. Instead, it creates 
> displayers and display windows. We create a small pipeline 
> (for example, geometry
> filter-mapper-actor) in these classes and set good default 
> values. Furthermore, we can automatically instantiate the 
> right sub-class depending on whether ParaView is running on 
> batch, tiled display, chromium mode etc.
> - algorithms to access the VTK objects in parallel to get 
> things like total number of points, bounds etc.
> - functionality that is not in VTK yet. A good example is 
> multi-block support. 
> What I have so far:
> 1. Nothing is committed to ParaView. All code is my work 
> repository. 2. A hierarchy of proxy and property classes, 
> with an xml parser to create and configure objects from these 
> 3. A modified ParaView tree that writes out Tcl batch files 
> driving the server manager. This will be re-done once I start 
> incorporating the server manager into ParaView proper.
> The next release (1.4) will use the server manager only in 
> batch scripts.
> I will provide more information and documentation once we 
> branch 1.4. Right now, I am very busy trying to get the batch 
> working as much as I can for 1.4. The current batch does NOT 
> work. I actually wanted to write a short message but got 
> excited and wrote this loooong one instead. My apologies :-)
> -Berk  
> > On Mar 24, 2004, at 9:42 AM, Wylie, Brian wrote:
> > 
> >          
> >         ...
> >
> >
> >         I'd like to see the pipelinesplit work be closely related to
> >         the 'proxy' pattern. Below in anexample of how this works.
> >         Basically the remote object looks like alocal object. This
> >         type of mechanism seems to me to be very flexibleand
> >         straightforward. All the classes that will be proxy enabled
> >         willget auto generated in a form similar to the tcl 
> wrapping.
> >         
> >         Machine1:
> >         
> >           vtkConeSource *cone =vtkConeSource::New();
> >         
> >           vtkPolyDataMapper*coneMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
> >                 coneMapper->SetInput(cone->GetOutput() );
> >         
> >           vtkActor *coneActor =vtkActor::New();
> >                 coneActor->SetMapper(coneMapper );
> >         
> >           vtkRenderer *ren1=vtkProxyRenderer::New();
> >                 ren1->SetHost("machine2" );
> >                 ren1->AddActor(coneActor );
> >          
> >         
> >         Machine2:
> >         
> >         vtkActor *coneActor =vtkProxyActor::New();
> >                 coneActor->SetHost("machine1" );
> >                 coneActor->SetMapper(coneMapper );
> >         
> >           vtkRenderer *ren1=vtkRenderer::New();
> >                 ren1->AddActor(coneActor );
> >         
> >           vtkRenderWindow *renWin =vtkRenderWindow::New();
> >                 renWin->AddRenderer(ren1 );
> >          
> >         
> >         ...
> >
> >         BrianWylie
> >         Sandia NationalLaboratories
> >         MS 0822 - Org 9227 - Building880/A1-J
> >         (505) 844-2238   FAX (505)845-0833