[Paraview-developers] Re: [vtk-developers] A PT mapper for VTK

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Dec 21 11:21:51 EST 2004

Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
> I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I plan to add an
> unstructured grid volume renderer to VTK.  Because this is the first
> projection based unstructured grid volume rendering mapper added to VTK,
> there are also several support classes that also have to be added.  The
> classes are:
> vtkProjectedTetrahedraMapper: the vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeMapper
> implemented with the PT algorithm.
> vtkVisibilitySort: an abstract class that performs a visibility sorting
> of a collection of cells.
> vtkCellCenterDepthSort: a simple implementation of a vtkVisibilitySort
> that provides an approximate sorting based on the location of cell
> centers.
> vtkSort: a simple class that provides functions for sorting
> vtkDataArrays.
> I also have tests for vtkProjectedTetrahedraMapper and vtkSort.
> Unless there are any objections, I plan to add these classes tomorrow
> morning.

I've just discussed this with some other developers and we'd like to let 
these classes mature in ParaView before moving them to VTK.  Please 
commit these classes in the ParaView/Servers/Filters directory or 
anoather appropriate place in ParaView first.


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