[Paraview-developers] Submitting bugs

Berk Geveci berklist at nycap.rr.com
18 Dec 2003 14:39:28 -0500

I apologize for the bad cut and paste in my previous e-mail.
Here is a better one:

critical:         causes the application to crash
significant:      produces incorrect results that significantly impact use 
                  (wrong results, bad images, bad interaction, etc)
annoyance:        doesn't work quite the way we'd like, but doesn't 
                  significantly impact use (bad font selection, missing bubble help, 
feature request:  something we know users have requested, but is missing
idea:             something we think should be in the product but is missing

5:      needs to be fixed or added now because it is impacting development
4:      needs to be fixed or added before we could put out a beta release
3:      should be fixed or added before the final release
2:      would be nice to schedule for a patch release
1:      keep in mind for the next release